Contact Name | Jenna Ortega

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Saw a prompt a while ago that made me laugh so I wanted to recreate it, credit to Admin Cam on Tumblr. Sorry it's short, kind of needed to write sum small to get the thoughts going. More updates soon to come.

3rd person POV

Jenna was at Emma's apartment with the cast of Wednesday, playing board games and chatting.

"Hey is Y/n coming by tonight?" Georgie asked Jenna as she sat down on the couch in between Emma and Hunter, facing Georgie, Joy, Naomi, Oliver, and Johnna.

"I'm not entirely sure, he said he might get off late tonight," Jenna replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"Ah, alright," Georgie responds seemingly disappointed.

"Let's just play a couple of rounds and see if he gets off early," Joy suggested, everyone agrees with her.

They played a few random games they had while teasing and challenging each other. Oliver got up to grab another beer. As he returned to the living room he noticed a phone buzzing on the table, the caller ID reading "Daddy". Oliver started laughing as he sat back down, gaining the other's attention as he noticed that was Jenna's phone.

"Jenna, your Dad's calling. Aren't you a bit old to be calling him Daddy though?" He says, continuing laughing as the other snickered or smiled. Jenna grabbed her phone and answered it as she put it to her ear and she stared straight into Oliver's soul with a smirk.

"Hey, Y/n," Jenna said. Her co-workers' eyes all widened as they realized his nickname. Y/n begins to speak but hears incredible feedback come from her side of the phone. "Oh my god" could be heard multiple times as well as "What?" from the man's friends and all kinds of commotion. Emma high-fived Jenna as Joy and Hunter gave a thumbs up and "ok" hand sign. The noise dialed down as he told Jenna he would be there soon.

Jenna Ortega x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now