drunken confession (yeonji)

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Yeonjun's Pov

"No, put the bottle down. Hyung put it down," Taehyun's voice wafted through the air as his voice got drowned by the blasting music and the drowsiness of the soju.

"Shit, I knew I shouldn't have drank so much," he cursed. Fair enough, we had the same amount of drinks, yet I'm slouched over the table while he still has his surprisingly steady posture. Perks of being able to handle liquor better?

"Noona, yeji noonna could come to the club and pick yeonjun up? Bring chaeryeong with you, too. I may sound sober, but I can't guarantee that I'm actually sober, " he said on the phone now, getting up to leave.

But let's be real he just wants to see chaer at this point. No other reason. But it comes with an added benefit of being passenger prince so? I can get by that.

"Holy shit he's wasted,"

"Wait, noona, are you feeling okay? You look..." I could sense that he's hesitating, but that could be a good sign as always think before you say stuff, especially when talking to Yeji.

"We had a few drinks before we got here. Eonnie may be a bit tipsy, though, but sober enough to drive," I heard chaeryoung say, knowing damn well that Yeji could easily get drunk after 8 shots of Soju.

"Yeji-ah, how many shots have u taken?" I said after mustering all the energy I had left.

"3"  she said.

"Lies, you had at least 4¼ shots of soju," chaeryoung corrected.

"Okay, I guess we'll get going then. See you at Lia's wedding. " I heard Yeji shout as she dragged my half limped body to her car.

In the car

"Yah, why do you have to get so drunk so easily. Gosh," she said, starting the car.  Could tell that the 4 shots were getting to her mood wise, but watch her change her mood in 5 minutes' time.

"Mine you that I had 10 shots of soju, 5 cans of beer, and I think I had a glass of somaek. So I didn't just get drunk easily, ok?" I said with enough confidence that might just ensued a piercing headache.

At Yeonjun's unit

I was dragged to my unit by Yeji, who had basically exhausted herself in the process. Props to her cause we actually made it to the sofa instantly instead of crashing on the floor. She let's me plop onto the sofa while she collapsed onto the floor beside me.

"I'm never gonna do that ever again." I heard her say.

"You sure about that?" I said. I couldn't tell if it was the Asian glow, but I felt heat rise in my cheeks. I could tell that I was technically digging my own grave by saying that but I paid no attention to it. Yeji is the type of person you'd fear when she's upset or tired. Am I aware that she can kill me for saying that? yes. but at this rate I'm too drunk to care.

"You're fucking annoying don't you know that? I was just minding my own business having a wine and girl talk with Chaeyeong and you just decide to get drunk like this? It bad enough that you're so damn tall. It not easy to carry you know that?" she spat as if she was rapping to some rap song. I have to give it to her though, it's not easy carrying someone who is twice the size of you. ok maybe that was exaggerated but it's true and props to her for not just abandoning me on the streets.  

"Thanks anyways. If it weren't for you I'd be passed out on the streets right now." I said with a smile. A drunk one. 

"It's fine I guess. But don't ever do this again if you do I'm not gonna entertain you, you understand? " she says sternly. But I know she's still gonna do it. 

We sat in silence for a good while just being in each others presence. It's amazing how comfortable, silence is. Just her staring out the window and me staring at her. Analysing her face and how well that shade of orange that she dyed her hair in compliments her skin. I thought about the way she just deals with my bullshit, the way she handles herself with so much confidence it's admireble. 

"why are you looking at me like that?"i heard her ask. 

"Yeji-ah, I like you. I like you alot. " I blurted out. Not sure why. 

"it's obvious. I already knew." she replied calmly which was unexpected. I was sure she'd be shutting down that idea the moment I said it. But she didn't.

"Funny enough maybe I like you too." 


I have risen from the dead and is now writing once again. It's been awhile and I know yall are bored so yea. enjoy my loves 

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