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"Hello master."

"Master?!" Harry questioned.

"I haven't introduced myself." The hooded, shadowy figure bowed. "I'm Death ."

"No shit Sherlock!" Harry sassed, "I don't think I'm dead though falling from a tree shouldn't do that."

"Your not dead your simply in a comatose state. I've been watching you."

"Totally not creepy," Harry muttered.

Death then morphed to look like a human - They had brown hair, grey eyes , pale white skin. They were wearing a yellow hoodie and a grey jeans. They reminded Harry so much of Cedric.

"Can you like change your form please?" Harry said in a whisper, trembling.

"Of course master I have no idea my form would upset you so much!" Death apologised. They now had long black hair with red and white highlights . One red and brown eye. Dark brown skin . They were wearing a black leather tube top, black jeans and a black leather jacket tied around his waist. Now they reminded him of Sirius with all the leather. But it's okay. Better being reminded of a dead uncle/godfather than directly being reminded of dead boyfriend.

"You probably did seeing as how you said you've been watching me," mumbled Harry.

Death sighed defeatedly and looked at the boy who lived sympathetically, "I knew about your relationship with Cedric , just didn't think you'd be hurt so much .And while I'm in this form you can call me Jade"

Harry spoke more confidently and rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Why am I here?"

"Ah yes! We've delayed long enough. I'm not happy with your current lifestyle so your gonna go true different timelines/alternate realities all chosen by you of course." She smirks and winks.

"Ok so what if I didn't convince the hat to not put me in slytherin?"

Jade snapped her fingers and with a flash Harry was back in his first year body sat under the sorting hat.

"Harry Potter you would do great in Slytherin.Slytherin would help you on your way to greatness."

"Okay. Sure."

"Ok better be SLYTHERIN!"

Harry walked over to the slytherin table and sat by Draco.

"Pottah , still think you can make the right choice?"

"Sorry Malfoy I was mistaken," Harry extended his hand "Friends?"


Would you like to be transported to the future.


Harry woke up he was in the hospital ward surrounded by Slytherins.

"Harry!" He was attacked by Draco's hug.

Pansy put her hand on her waist, tapping her foot and smiled slowly, "Finally! Do you know how long I had to listen to Draco cry over his 'perfect, handsome boyfriend."

"Shut up Pansy!"

Blaise chirped in , "his long luscious lock that I can spend hours running my hand threw."

Theo rolled his eyes, "Guys give em a break embrass Draco time is tonight be patient."

Madam Pomfrey walked in, "Oh mr potter your awake. Well I gues you can go but next time don't climb trees and try get down without a levitation spell."

They walked out the hospital ward .

"Oi Potter finally awake!" Ron sneered as they walked past.

"Shove off Weasley! Go suck Granger!" Draco retorted.

"Huh," Harry was confused, "Isn't Ron my friend?"

"That fall did something to you" Theo said "well you joined slytherin and decided to be friends with us Ron instantly started to hate you."


Harry felt a familiar sensation. It was the same he felt when apparating and how he felt when he was transported to the first alternate reality.

"Can't stay on one for too long. We're still in the test stage!" Jade skipped up and down the.. room? like a toddler who just got sweets.

"I have a lot of questions."

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