Diavolo 2

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Ahhhh I had to share this drawing I did for Bruno's bday. I did use a base and my friend inspired me to use it when they did for a CloudxThem pic X3 So I figured I would use it for this chapter too. Enjoy! 


The roses fell from the sky it seemed, people cheering about her finally tying the knot. She looked around, some faces seemed to blend into the bright light of the sun, others she noted were from Passione, various stages of happiness on their faces. It was then her mind made something clear. 

She was dreaming. 

With this in mind, she figured she was dreaming of marrying Diavolo, or maybe even Doppio, considering most the cast of Golden Wind was here. It wasn't a bad feeling in the dream, her having learned long ago about lucid dreaming having set guidelines in her mind to know when she was. It still felt so real, even the hand holding hers. However, every time she turned to look up at the groom, or hell maybe even other bride, it was like doing a cartwheel. Her dream wasn't ready to show her betrothed just yet at they walked towards a carriage that sometimes changed into a limo depending on how she looked at it. 

She felt herself being lifted up into a pair of arms, no words from the groom, she was now certain of. As they neared the awaiting getaway vehicle, the sun seemed to brighten and blind her for a moment before she was able to see the face of her new spouse. 

Bruno Bucciarati. 


Her eyes opened slowly, the image of him carrying her still burning in her mind, a soft smile on her face. What a pleasant dream to have, even if it was an odd one, pretty random as well. Normally she dreamed of her houseguests since they came, but this was the first time she had seen the other side in her dreams in quite a while. She stretched as she sat up, forgetting that Dio was in the bed until he spoke. 

"I hope that dream was of me," the vampire said smoothly, a smirk on his face. 

"Mmm," she hummed, not letting him ruin this moment for her, "Nope. For once, none of you were in my dreams."

Dio frowned a bit, not liking how happy that seemed to make her, setting his tablet down after bookmarking the page on it. His red eyes bore into, trying desperately to read her mind. Who would she dreamed of to put her in such a relaxed and happy state? Both looked over to the door as a knock sounded on it, a moment later Kira sliding into the room, a frown on his face as well. He must have heard what she said too. Still, she simply got out of the bed and fixed the side, humming softly to herself, petting Lili who had been laying with her, Bucky now at her feet, wagging his tail. 

"I came in here to tell you that breakfast is ready and you are late for it," Kira said, walking over to her. She didn't even tense this time as he grabbed one of her hands. 

"I'll be in there in a second, Kira," she smiled up at him, "Sorry."

Kira stared her down, feeling frustrated at not knowing what was going through her mind. Who was going through her mind. 

"What did you dream of," Dio questioned, watching her closely. 

Now she finally let a small frown on her face. Should she be honest about it? Or would that just create dissention in the ranks? Valentine and Diego were already acting twice as weird since the race. How would they take the news? Then she decided that ultimately, it was her dream, just a dream. It wasn't like it would ever happen, after all. 

"I dreamed that Bruno and I got married," at their blank stares, probably not knowing who that was, "Bruno is from Diavolo's Passione."

The hand holding hers got tighter for a moment, making her pull it away, rolling the wrist and her eyes. 

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