~Chapter 40~

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As she reached outside the multimillion company's building, she haulted the car.
Parking the car at the parking area.

Vaidehi looked at the extrinsic building. Looking at the structure, the grandeur, Vaidehi  was so very proud of her husband. But now she had more to look into. She somehow had the gut feeling that her Raaghav was not well.

She quickly got inside. There she was greeted by the watchmans. Giving them the necessary proof, and with the needful help from Bhaskar she quickly got inside.

She had already gained the information from Bhaskar about Raaghav's office, she quickly entered the elevator and pressing for the 30th floor she waited for the lift to come to a hault.

As soon as the lift came to a hault and Vaidehi came out, she was greeted by utter silence. The floor was quite, it was dark as a night, for some moment she felt scared. The darkness and silence was overpowering her. But her Raaghav was at the other end. She had to reach him.

She started walking piercing the silence, completely ignoring the silence. As soon as she reached a cabin, that had, "Raaghav Yaduvanshi"  carved on it in golden pastels, she didn't think much and opened the door.

The sound of the opening of the door, disturbed Raaghav a bit. He was already not in the mood to talk to anybody. He knew that his whole office knew better not to disturb him. So he looked up to the source who dared to dig his or her own grave.

He looked up only to see his timid little wife standing there, with a tiffin box hugging her chest.

Vaidehi looked at Raaghav as she fully entered inside. The door closed on its own.

She saw the disheveled state of Raaghav. His hair was all messy. His coat was removed. Upper two buttons of his crisp white shirt that was crumbled now were undone. His eyes showed that he was disturbed. The files that layed on this table showed that he had overworked himself.

She started moving towards him.

Seeing Vaidehi, Raaghav too got up from his seat and walked towards her in full rage.
"What are you doing here at this point of time Vaidehi? ", he asked sternly.

" It's past 1'oclock. You still had not returned..

"So you thought it was very wise of you to come here at this hour? " , he raised his voice now.

Vaidehi was somehow getting scared of this Raaghav. But the fact was this wasn't even half of the volume that his voice could rise.
Only because it was his Vaidehi in front of him, he was involuntarily controlling himself.
"You ..didn't..even..have..your lunch.. Nor dinner.  , Vaidehi started stating with difficulty.
" Ooh... So you came here for this tiffin.." He said, now he was extremely close to her. He pulled the string of the tiffin box in order to throw it away.
He hated fake care. And he somehow felt that he was receiving the same fake care currently. The events ever since from the was not helping his state either.

"Kyu tum mere maslo mei dakhal de rahi ho ha.. " He shouted, his decibel increasing more as he pulled the tiffin in her hand in order to throw it away.

But..just then Vaidehi hugged him.

He was taken a back for sure.

It was there first hug after all.

The raging bull in him tried resisting but Vaidehi didn't give up. She clutched him even more strongly, as she closed her eyes.

Though Raaghav was trying to get out of her hold, but the truth was this was what he needed in that hour. A hug.

After few minutes Vaidehi found Raaghav relaxing and loosening up in her arms.

Yes! He relaxed in her.
He placed his head in the crook of her neck.

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