~Chapter 60~

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Raaghav stiffened a bit on her statement.
He didn't knew what to answer. He himself didn't knew, of what was to be done next. The "what ifs" stirred in his mind. Troubling his saneness.

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, he let himself free.
He trusted his Vaidu.
He would face anything and everything, having her beside him.

He opened his eyes, as he saw, Vaidehi looking up to him, with tears filled in her eyes.

" We'll face everything together Vaidu! Whatever's on the other side, we are in it together. ", he said as he held her face with his hands, softly wiping her tears off. .
" Par..
"Even if something bad happens, it's us. Always. Just enter the war, and don't think about any consequences. Even if the worst happens you'll have me guarding you. ", Raaghav said with utmost love in his eyes.
" I don't want to be the reason we lose babasa! ", she said, her voice lacing the fear.
" You never will be! You were never the reason for any loses that anyone ever suffered. Nor will you be the reason for any further. , "he said as if understanding what was going on in his Vaidu's head.

He gave her a glass of water and let her calm down.
" I trust you Vaidu! I know you will fight with everything that it takes for Babasa.
I know you'll get him out of this successfully.
Par if it's not what Mahadev want then we'll accept his fate as well. Par please, fight for our Babasa, with all that it takes! ", Raaghav said more or less pleaded.
Vaidehi looked at him. The vulnerable son that he was,was clearly visible to Vaidehi's eyes.
" I will. I will make this operation successful! ", she said with the confidence that her body would radiate before any other surgery.
This was the assurance of Raaghav that she needed, that she got.
Just then Mihir knocked, " I have got the ot ready, we'll have to proceed fast,Dr. Vaidehi.! And Ra, there's no one from the family here yet, it'll better if you sign the papers. ",Mihir said, handling Raaghav the papers.
Raaghav looked at Mihir.
This was one of the toughest sign that he was going to do, but he trusted his Vaidu.
He signed the papers without a thought, by just giving a " I have faith in you look" to Vaidu.
" Shift the patient Dr. Mihir! I am just coming. ", Vaidehi said.

Mihir left.
Vaidehi looked at Raaghav, who blinked at her accordingly.
Then Raaghav did something that made Vaidehi feel even more at peace. He kissed her.
Devoured her lips, and then as he left, he said, " Go jaan! I have my full faiths in you and Mahadev. Jo hoga sath me dekh lenge! ". He gave her a soft smile as she left for the ot.

______________ ________________ ____________

Nearly one hour had passed, Vaidehi was in the ot.
The whole Yaduvanshi and Ranawat family had gathered in the hospital.
There were prayers ringing in the corridors as they waited outside the operation theatre.
Raaghav was sitting beside Mihir. His condition was no better. He just sat there without a word being said.

"Hume dar lag raha hai maasa! ", Damyatti said to Soumyawatti.
" Kuch nahi hoga! ", Soumyawatti tried pacifying her.

Rutvendra was also tensed. No matter what kind of person he was, but he did love his family, his father.

Just then, a nurse came out of the ot.
The family rushed to her to ask.
" Raaghav sir? ", the nurse asked.
" Huh? ", the family was pleplexed.
Raaghav stood up as he went near the nurse, Mihir followed.
He told the nurse that he was the one.
" Sir, doctor nei yeh injection mangwaya hai! It's urgent. ", the nurse said as she showed him a paper containing the name of the medicine.
" Ji abhi laate hai! ", Raaghav was saying when the nurse continued.
(" I'll get it in a moment! ")

" Sir ,
this particular injection is not introduced in India currently, it's just the patent of only one pharmaceutical company in the world. "The Wilson's".
Par patient's condition is deteriorating, we'll need the injection in the next 2-3 hours. "
As the nurse said this, the family went numb. Nobody knew what to do.
The nurse handed the paper to Raaghav and finally said before leaving, "Sir, doctor said, "you'll arrange it."She doted Vaidehi's words.

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