~chapter 49~

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Their life was so good.
The love was growing each day.
The understanding was growing each day.
They both had given their relationship a total bloom.

Vaidehi had even included their pictures in the wall of her old house, the house was now named after them both.
They both even visited the aashram two- three times.
Everything was going so well.
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One day Raaghav and Vaidehi were returning from office.
While Vaidehi was humming the song, Raaghav concentrated on the road.
Yes! She was humming because, as per Raaghav her voice and her singing don't synchronize.
He says that she has the most sweetest voice in the world, but when it comes to singing, the notes fail to do justice to the sweetness of her voice, and it comes out like a broken trumpet.

To irritate him, she sings. Loudly. Clearly. In his ears.

As the car haulted, just at the park where they both had had there first badminton match, Vaidehi spotted a familiar figure.
She gestured Raaghav about the same.
They both moved towards the park, after parking the car sideways.

On approaching the figure, she knew she was right. It was Shreesh, her younger cousin.
"Shreesh! ", she called out softly.
Shreesh turned, to find his sister and brother in law there.
" Di aap yaha! ", he said as he tried hiding those tears that had already streamed down his cheeks.
" Tu yaha kya kar raha hai! ", Vaidehi asked.
" Woh.. , Shreesh was hesitant.

" Ek kaam karte hai, let's head home! We'll talk later.! ", Raaghav said understanding that there was something really wrong
"Par.. , Vaidehi was skeptical, but Raaghav gestured her that it would be the right thing to do.

Though Shreesh was not quite okay with that idea but Vaidehi persuaded him.

The drive to home was a rather silent one. Though Vaidehi tried her best to initiate a conversation with Shreesh, but it looked like he was lost in his own world of thoughts.

After dinner, they walked to the side pool.
Raaghav could sense that there was a unseen debate going on in Shreesh's mind. He knew, that the lad in front of him needed to vent it out.

Vaidehi too was getting tensed now.
Raaghav through his eyes gestured her, that things will be fine.

" Vaidu why don't you get us your cold coffee? ", Raaghav suggested as he got settled near the swimming pool.
" Yeah! The weather is perfect for a cold coffee now! ", Vaidehi reprimanded.
" No Di! It's.. It's not needed. ", Shreesh tried acting modest.
" Aise Kaise! Tune aaj tak mere hath ki cold coffee pi nahi hai na, isliye keh raha hai! Ek bar piyega na, toh you'll ask for more see! ", Vaidehi boasted.
While moving towards the kitchen, she looked towards Raaghav whose eyes conveyed that he would talk to Shreesh.
" Toh.. , Raaghav started.
"Sab kaisa hai? ", he asked.
" Sab.. Sab thik hai jiju! ", Shreesh replied. He was still in his shell.

" Dekh Shreesh! You know it well and so do I! That there's something wrong.
And you can share it with me, since you need to get it vented out for sure. I.. I won't judge. " , Raaghav said, as if reassuring Shreesh.
" Jiju.. Woh..
" Get it out Shreesh.! ", Raaghav said as he softly laid his hand on his shoulder.

Shreesh looked into Raaghav's eyes. There was real concern in them. Taking a deep breath, Shreesh started.

" I ..I feel useless jiju! I feel like I am the biggest liability. A person whose stuck. Who's not growing in life, while people around me are progressing, are successful. It's like I am not good at anything. Everyone around me feels so.
I feel so suffocated. And the fun part is there's no one who cares about it. There's no one whose actually worried about what's up with me. People just use me like I am some rag and throw me away. And it's more painful when it comes from your family. From people whom you call as your own.
You know! I wanted to make maa- baba, bhai, dadusa say that they are proud to have me as a part of the family, but all i get to hear is, "you are not good enough! ", " Look at bhai, how he is so perfect. ", " You should try and be like him! As a individual, I feel like I am caged.
Caged from being my ownself. Caged from making my own decisions.

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