[ 003 ] teaming up

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            AS SOON AS THE school day was over, Nell was quick in heading for the front door

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AS SOON AS THE school day was over, Nell was quick in heading for the front door. All she wanted in that moment was to head home, take a shower and clean all the mud off of herself and get into bed. Nothing else. After the shitty morning she had had, nothing was more appealing to the Hewitt girl than burying her head into her pillow and blocking out the world.

She'd just stepped outside the main exit and begun making her way towards the main road, choosing the forgo cutting through the park after what had happened, when the faintest sound of someone calling out for her caught her attention. Nell spun around on her heel, narrowly avoiding banging into the other students who continued to walk on, her gaze landing upon a red-faced Hazel.

"Eleanor!" The Callahan girl cried out, waving her hand in the air as she manoeuvred through the sea of students. She sounded totally exhausted to Nell who remained standing in place to allow the girl to catch up. "Hey, wait up."

After dodging her fellow students and thankfully not falling on her face, Hazel finally made it to Nell. She was gasping for a fresh and steady breath of oxygen as her heart aggressively pounding against her ribcage. She threw herself forward to grasp her knees, her head basically between her legs as she desperately attempted to settle her breathing.

"Give—give me a sec." She haggardly said, still sounding like she'd ran a marathon. She was usually so fit, why was she suddenly out of breath after running only a short distance?

Nell gripped tightly at the straps of her backpack while she looked down at the girl in concern. "You good?"

Hazel slowly pulled herself back up, hand over her chest and her heart still pumping away though thankfully not as hard as before. Her shoulders shook as she took a deep and steady breath before exhaling. "Yeah yeah, I'm good. Listen, I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to help with the club."

"You want my help?" The Hewitt girl questioned in surprise. She assumed that Josie or PJ would be taking care of club business but the fact that it was Hazel and that Hazel wanted her help surprised Nell.

Hazel breathed out a chuckle at the wide eyed expression that Nell wore. "Yeah, we could go around and ask a bunch of girls if they wanted to join. I figure, two heads are better than one."

The students around them had pretty much dispersed by now, leaving the two as the only students still standing along the footpath.

"You're not wrong." Nell muttered as her head tilted ever so slightly to the side in contemplation. It did sound like fun plus maybe it would give the chance to really get to know Hazel. A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she nodded her head while saying, "Yeah okay. That sounds cool."

𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐭 ✸ 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now