[ 013 ] recuperation

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                     HAZEL WAS THANKFULLY ONLY slightly badly injured

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HAZEL WAS THANKFULLY ONLY slightly badly injured. Her nose has been broken as a result of the boot to the face, both her eyes had been blackened with horrid hues of blue and purple littered along her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Numerous little cuts were spread around her skin. With how aggressively she had been kicked, it was a miracle that part of her face hadn't been caved in.

Once she was patched up and was able to get up, walk around and speak without slurring her words, Nell was put in charge of bringing her home. The two had moved towards Hazel's home at a slow pace, an awkward lull existing between them. To say that the Callahan girl felt like an idiot was an understatement. She didn't really know why she'd kept her conversation with Tim a secret from her girlfriend nor did she understand why she'd avoided Nell after PJ had insulted her.

Perhaps it was embarrassment. Perhaps not. Maybe she knew that Nell would comfort her, would help quell the anger that had been brewing within. Hazel hadn't wanted that. She didn't want to forgive and forget. No, she'd wanted to hurt PJ, to fight her. She'd stepped forward when called upon because she'd been led to believe that she'd be fighting PJ. Obviously that had been a lie.

"I'm gonna question why you spoke to Tim of all people. I'm just gonna assume you've learned your lesson." Nell uttered once they ventured inside Hazel's bedroom. Once she closed the door behind her, she spun on her heel and peered down at Hazel, who had thrown herself down onto her bed. "Have you learned your lesson, Hazel?"

The Callahan girl threw her a thumbs up. "Never speak to Tim. Lesson learned." She chuckled out, attempting to grin though cringing at the pain of her busted lip.

Nell knew she should have felt more upset about Hazel's avoidance but frankly, she was just glad that Hazel was still breathing normally. She let out a small laugh of her own as she took in the sight of Hazel's bedroom. This was her first time in here, the first time she'd laid eyes upon the room that Hazel slept in. Much like her own it was a little messy. Random little trinkets were scattered around.

On a table in the corner laid a bunch of mechanical tools, a soldering iron and a book labelled 'How To: Bombs'. This caused Nell to laugh once again, the sound flowing from her lips like a beautiful ringing of wind chimes.

Sitting on Hazel's desk was her notebook, the one she used to write down every little thing that happened during the club meetings. She was always jotting down something in this book, grinning from ear to ear.

A cheeky grin pulled at Nell's lips as she picked it up and turned back toward the brunette. "Should we write your lesson down in your notebook? You know, to make sure you don't forget it anytime soon." As she spoke, she flipped through the book, oblivious to the wide eyed stare she was receiving from Hazel.

𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐭 ✸ 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now