[ 007 ] notebook planning

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            HAZEL CALLAHAN HAD A PLAN! She was going to get Nell to talk to her even if it killed her! Well maybe not kill, she'd prefer not to die so early in life especially if her plan worked out but she'd definitely try her fucking hardest

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HAZEL CALLAHAN HAD A PLAN! She was going to get Nell to talk to her even if it killed her! Well maybe not kill, she'd prefer not to die so early in life especially if her plan worked out but she'd definitely try her fucking hardest.

            The day after the kiss, the kiss that beat all other kisses, (not that she had much experience in that area) when she realised that Eleanor wouldn't just come up and talk to her but instead pretend it hadn't happened and that they suddenly weren't all that close, Hazel knew she needed a plan. So that's what she did. In her first free moment of the day, Hazel had whipped out her notebook which was usual designated for club activities, flipped all the way to the last few back pages and began to plan.

           Different coloured pens were used, vibrant highlighters that decorated the pages. Important things were underlined and given multiple exclamation marks. Titles were written in bubble letters and points had been bulleted. Hazel meant business!

            Multiple plans, all filled with potential had been run through and tossed aside. Call in a bomb scare and force Nell into a classroom and make her talk to her? Bit too extreme Hazel had rightly decided. Get into another one-on-one with the girl and take a bunch of hits and force Nell to care for her? Again, a little intense plus her busted bottom lip had only just begun to heal.

Finally, after going through a few different plans and weighing up the pros and cons, Hazel came to a decision. She was simply going to invite Nell over to her house. If the Hewitt girl wished to pretend things were normal between them, if she wished to pretend the kiss hadn't happened then that is exactly what Hazel would do. She would invite her over...of course, an ulterior motive was attached but Nell wouldn't know that until after she agreed.

            The only thing she still needed to figure out, was when the best time to ask Nell over would be. She'd initially wanted to ask her right away when they all showed up for the club but had to fight her desires when she noticed Nell heading over towards the bleachers to sit next to Josie. At one point, the two seemed to be deep in discussion though random chuckles filled the air between them. If Hazel hadn't been aware of Josie's painful, jaw-dropping and extremely obvious crush on Isabel, she might have found herself jealous.

            Before the club meeting began was a no go. After would be her best option. And so she waited patiently. Gave her entire focus to the meeting that this time consisted of all the girls being open and honest with one another.

            She watched as all the girls and Mr. G moved to sit down in a circle in the middle of the gym floor, her eyes practically glued to Nell as she began to lower herself to the floor. On one side of the Hewitt girl sat PJ while the other side was still empty. Before anyone else could push their way in and sit there, Hazel rushed forward, the girl almost sprinting before she tumbled into the spot, grinning sheepishly at the others as they watched her fumble.

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