Chapter 5: Two Halves

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Waving goodbye to Erin and Orla as they left the house at 11pm. James, Michelle, and Marco said goodnight to Clare and walked home. Marco smirked hard as Michelle made up for lost time and teased James all the way home. Always the opportunist, Michelle teased Marco about the cosy situation that he found himself in with Orla. Like James, Marco knew there was no real malice in what she said and simply took it all on the chin and laughed through it. James had prepped Marco well. However, James couldn't help but notice a twinkle in his friend's eye when Orla was mentioned. -That must be what I look like when I look at Erin-He thought to himself.

The next morning. Marco woke early to go for a jog. The morning was fresh, and he shivered as the cool air filled his lungs. The hilly roads were quite the shock to his calves as he began to ascend them. Marco followed directions James had given him and made his way towards the park. Marco lost himself in his own world as Aerosmith played on his Walkman. The song DREAM ON rang in his ears as he turned to enter through the gateway into Brook Park.

After completing three laps of the perimeter, Marco chose a spot and started to go through his drills. For the last part, Marco put himself into his stance. He lost himself in his music as he began his shadow boxing drill. The onlookers shot awkward looks at him as they passed him, but Marco was too zoned out to even notice. They must have thought the crazy people had been let loose into the park as there was another figure turning heads as well.

Losing herself in her own little world, Orla McCool listened to her Walkman as she shook, bounced, popped, shifted, stepped, and danced through Brook Park. Dog walkers had to move around her because she wasn't moving for anyone. She was in the zone. She was completely oblivious to the boy staring at her. Marco stared at her as she broke his concentration. He took his headphones off and chuckled as she danced past him. Marco decided to walk just behind her, to the side. He walked with his hands behind his back and observed her moves. Orla was repeating a certain dance sequence, after seeing it a couple of times, Marco mimicked the sequence. He lined himself up next to her to see if she'd finally notice him. As she spun, their eyes met. With a loud gasp, she froze.

"Boo!" He laughed.

"Oh, it's you. Marco." She smiled, relieved.

"Hi. That's some good dancing skills you got there. You're good." He said.

"Ach, Thanks." She replied. She then shot him a look.

"Were you following me?" She asked.

"Well, only from back there." He said, pointing back.

"What were you doing over there?" She asked, confused.

"I was doing some training." He replied.

"Oh, I see. Ach, good for ye." She said.

They smiled at each other. Orla had a sheepish look on her face, and she shuffled on the spot. Marco noticed that she was acting a bit awkward, so decided to break the silence.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said.

"No, it's ok. You didn't scare me. Just made me jump." She said as she smiled.

"Well, I like to make people jump too." He joked.

Orla smirked, as she remembered telling him the same thing last night. She lightly shoved his shoulder. And Marco laughed.

"So, where you are going now?" She asked.

"Well, I was gonna head back and get ready for later." He replied.

"Ach, has James planned something for ye?" she asked.

"I think he said something about us all going out for the day." Came the answer.

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