Chapter 6: Can you imagine it?

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The week went by gradually. The group introduced Marco to the local scenery, as well as their usual routine of doing nothing. James felt content with doing things familiar to him. Marco said that he was happy to go with whatever the group suggested they do. From visiting the shopping precinct, the bowling alley, Dennis's wee shop, and bumping into Orla each morning in Brook Park was certainly a perk. Friday rolled around again, and the group were out walking. Michelle, always ready to bring up the subject of rides decided to make things uncomfortable for her own entertainment. James, on que, rolled his eyes whenever his cousin spoke about sex. Marco on the other hand, didn't appear to be so bothered. A small smile came across his face as he listened. Michelle sighted that James's friend didn't appear embarrassed and decided to take the subject further.

"So, Marco? Are you a virgin?" Michelle asked.

Marco shot her a look and laughed in embarrassment.

"Michelle!" James replied.

"Ach, What's wrong James? You scared he's gonna say you's two were riding each other in school?" She quipped.

"Just leave it, he's embarrassed." James said.

"So would I be." Michelle replied. James rolled his eyes.

"Michelle. That's private." Clare said.

"What's the fucking problem? I'm just asking?" Michelle said.

"Well, there are other things you could've asked, Michelle?" Erin chimed in.

"Like what?" Michelle asked.

"Well like.... Why is pizza not as nice as chippy?" Orla said.

Marco shot a confused look at Orla's question.

".... Well, that certainly was a different question." Erin said.

"Come on Marco; answer the question!" Michelle pushed.

"You don't have to mate." James said.

"Shut up James."

"Ye really don't."



"Just let him answer the question." Michelle was really pushing it.

"Michelle, he obviously doesn't want to." Erin said.

"Stop being such a fucking prude, Erin."

"Michelle!" James said slowly.

"Are. You. A. Virgin?" She asked.

Marco could see that there was no way of avoiding the question. Or was there?

".... Well, it all depends ..." Marco said.

Everyone turned to look at Marco. Michelle shot a confused look.

"Depends? On what?" Michelle asked.

"Well... you're not offering, are you?" He smirked. James's face contorted into a state of shock and confusion, looking at both Marco and Michelle.

"Feck off! Like you'd have a shot." Michelle laughed. Spying that he was trying to spar with her. She strutted over to Marco and whispered seductively.

"Sorry kid. There are some rides you can only dream about. Hey James, can you imagine it? Me and him?" She laughed.

"Jesus." James sighed.

Michelle strutted away. As she turned, she saw that Marco had his eyes closed. James had spied it too. Marco's head started to sway slowly from side to side. Clare and Erin looked at what was happening. Only Orla was oblivious.

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