2.8K 83 12

Name : Markus Asklepios (The Gamer)

Race: Demi-God Kriptonian

Age : 22

Title : The Good Doctor

[ Log In Rewards ]

· Sherlock Holmes intellect and observation skills
=>This Reward allow the User to have the intellect and observation skill's of the great Sherlock Holmes, allowing The User detective skill's and observation rise to almost inhuman levels

· Complete and utter knowledge, experience, and mastery of all forms of medicine
=>This allows the User to know any type of procediure, medicaments or pratices of every single area of Medicine

· Ultimate Rinne-Sharigan
=>This give the User the unique Ultimate Rinne-Sharigan, providing the User with all the powers of the Rinne-Sharigan and also allows the User to access his de-volutions forms, The Rinnegan, The Mangekyo Sharigan, The three, two and one Tomoe Sharigan and The Byakugan

Rinne-Sharigan and Rinnergan Special Abilities:

*The Deva Path  (天道, Tendō), which is able to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces.
*The Asura Path  (修羅道, Shuradō), which allows the user to augment their body with mechanised limbs, weaponry and armour.
*The Human Path  (人間道, Ningendō), which affords the ability to read a person's mind while also removing their soul.
*The Animal Path  (畜生道, Chikushōdō), which allows the user to a wide variety of creatures.
*The Preta Path(餓鬼道, Gakidō), which is capable of absorbing all forms of , including most ninjutsu.
*The Naraka Path (地獄道, Jigokudō), through which the user can call upon the King of Hell.
*The Outer Path(外道, Gedō), with which the user is able to preside over life and death.
*Infinite Tsukyomi: which the User is able to cast The Infinite Tsukyomi 
*Allowes the User to use all of Five Nature releases and Ying and Yang release
*Allows the use of others Kekkei Genkais releases (ex: Mokuton, Yõton.)

Mangekyos Sharigan Special Abilities:
Yasaka Magatama
Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi 
Chidori Kagutsuchi
Tengai Shinsei 
Kamui Raikiri 

· Superman One-Million Physiology
=>This give the User the physiology of Superman One-Million, a Kriptonian who spent 15,000 years on the center of the Sun, Enhancing his Natural Abilities beyond the normal and also getting Reality warping powers from a descendent that was born from a fifth Dimensional Imp queen
=>Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Vastly improved Kryptonian abilities such as Yellow Stellar Radiation Absorption, Regeneration, True Flight, X-Ray Vision, Microscopic Vision, Telescopic Vision, Heat Vision, Super Breath, Freeze Breath, Superhuman Senses (Includes vision, hearing, and smell), Superhuman Intelligence, Immortality, Reality warp and Bending

· Chakra Network
=> This gives the User a Chakra Network, Allowing him to generate, mold and channel Chakra through his body.

· Completly Mastery of Medical Ninjustu
=>This is a Bonus Reward granted by the merge of two rewards, grating the User mastery and knowlodge about every single area of Medical Ninjustsu

· Barbara Gordon's Hacking Skills
=> This give the User the computer skill of Barbara Gordon, Allowing the User to hack into almost impossibles systems

· The All-Black the Necrosword
=>This Reward is the God-Killing Sword All-Black, capable of killing Gods and Cosmic creatures

· Merlin Infinity Magic from Nanatsu no Taizai
=>this Reward give the User the special ability of have infinity Magic from Merlin of the Nanatsu no Taizai

· Infinity Chakra
=>This is a Bonus Reward granted by the merge of two rewards, this Reward gives the User a infinity amount of Chakra in his body

· Medium Galvan intellect (8e+14)
=>This give the User the intellect of a normal Galvan, raising his IQ to 8e+14 or 800000000000000

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