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VEGA: "The reason how the demons managed to lead an attack here is due to the core you have exploded, They were able to reverse engineer the rift caused by the explosion allowing them to transported to this time."

"Rip and Tear" These words were echoing in his head, Just when everything was normal for once the demons ruined it again. But The Slayer used this rage as fuel, Turning the vehicle back on, He drove towards a hoard of demons in-front of him.

He then puts a grenade next to him and jumps out right before the vehicle crashes into the demons causing a huge explosion.

He stands back up and runs towards the demons still filled with rage, He grabs one of them and snaps it's neck. Using it as a projectile, He throws it at an imp, Instantly pushing it off its feet.

The Slayer then uses his hands to rips its head and torso open killing it instantly.

He uses his plasma gun to shoot the rest of the demons, Obviously obliterating them

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He uses his plasma gun to shoot the rest of the demons, Obviously obliterating them.

He continues walking down the street, Hearing gunfire and helicopters in the distance.

He then sees a Cacodemon in the distance, Running up towards it, He sees a group of Policemen trying to evacuate civilian's into a museum and attempt to kill the Cacodemon.

He climbs onto an abandoned semi-truck and jumps onto the Cacodemon before it's able to kill anyone, Ripping its eye off punching his hand through its brain.

He climbs onto an abandoned semi-truck and jumps onto the Cacodemon before it's able to kill anyone, Ripping its eye off punching his hand through its brain

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"What the..." One of the police officers said

Another police officer said; "Thanks for saving us....Umm, How?"

The Slayer doesn't say anything, Instead he walks into the museum as everyone stares at him with shocked eyes.

The survivors whisper to each-other still shocked at what happened, "How did he easily do that?" "Was he sent by god?" Some of the people said.

The Slayer continues walking past them, Finding a sword inside a display, He breaks the glass and grabs it.

A security guard comes up to him and says; "Hey! You can't do that, You do realize you will have to pay for it?"

All the Slayer does is look at him, The guards face turns into regret and walks away from The Slayer very quickly.

The Slayer walks towards the opposite direction, Going back outside until a Imp lunges at him.

With ease The Slayer grabs the sword and stabs the Imp in the face.

Suddenly a group of military soldiers are running down the street, Shooting at other demons at the distance, One of them doge falling rubble from a building.

"You good Jacobs?" One of other soldiers say

"Yeah...Wait, Who's that?" He points at The Doom Slayer.

They look at the demons head still impaled by the sword

"Sir...Umm you cant be here"

Out of no where a big Mancubus demon starts to fire at the soldiers.

Out of no where a big Mancubus demon starts to fire at the soldiers

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"FALL BACK!" One of the men yell.

One of the men throws a grenade and fires at it.

The Doom Slayer runs towards the Mancubus demon. He hops onto its back and stabs it in the eye, he then jumps off, but right before hitting the ground, he shoots it in the face with a double-barrel shotgun, instantly killing it.

The soldiers look in shock. In all their years of battle, they have never seen something like this.

Doom: Knee Deep Into The PastWhere stories live. Discover now