Chapter One

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Matilda glares at her adopted cousin, Marcel, as they walk down the street "You killed her and left her for anyone to find Marcel

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Matilda glares at her adopted cousin, Marcel, as they walk down the street "You killed her and left her for anyone to find Marcel." she glares, having just found out that Marcel killed Jane-Anne. "She was practicing magic, Mattie." he tells her. "She was a Witch, it was in her nature. You should let them practice certain spells, that way they'll hate you less." Matilda retorts. "Mattie-" Marcel starts. "No, I'm going to go and check on Sophie. Seeing you just killed her sister." Matilda cuts him off, standing up and speeding in the direction of Rousseau's. Walking into the alley behind the bar, Matilda freezes when she sees the man Sophie is talking to "Uncle Elijah?" she asks, tears in her eyes. Elijah turns and freezes himself "Matilda?" he asks. Matilda speeds over to her Uncle and jumps into his arms, making him wrap his arms round her protectively "I-I thought- Marcel said-" Matilda cries, putting her face in Elijah's neck. "We thought you and Marcel were dead, we fled when Mikael arrived in the city." Elijah explains, pulling away and giving his niece a handkerchief to wipe away her tears. Matilda wipes her eyes "Did Marcel know you are alive?" she asks. Elijah hesitates "Did. He. Know?" Matilda asks, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Yes. Yes he knew." Elijah admits.

Matilda's vampire eyes flash "I'm gonna kill him." she growls, wind picking up around them. "Enough, Matilda. I need your help with the Witches, you have your Father's charm when it comes to them." he tells her. "Fine." Matilda grumbles, following her Uncle and Sophie. As they walk Matilda bites her lip "Has Daddy been undaggered yet?" she asks. Elijah freezes, realisation dawning on his face "Uncle Lijah?" Matilda frowns. "Yes, he was." Elijah tells her. "Was? Did Uncle Nik dagger him again?" Matilda asks him. "This isn't the time or place Matilda." her Uncle tries. "No, what's happened?" she retorts. "There was another White Oak centuries after the one that our family burned, it was used to build a town in Virginia. The supernaturals there found out and fashioned twelve stakes from it, two of them were used to kill Finn and-" Elijah starts. "No. Please don't." Matilda cuts him off, tears beginning to stream. "I'm so sorry Matilda. They killed Kol so that the Hunter could finish his mark." Elijah tells his niece. A broken scream leaves Matilda as she falls to her knees, Elijah catching her and letting her sob into his chest. The wind picks up as Matilda looses control of her magic, rain beginning to fall. After a few minutes Matilda speeds away, ignoring her Uncle's calls.

Speeding into the compound, Matilda makes it to her room and starts trashing it. Marcel walks in and dodges a flying vase "Hey, what the hell is going on?" he asks before seeing the tears streaming down his cousin's face "Mattie? What's happened?" he asks her. Matilda falls to the floor, sobs shaking her body as he stuff starts floating. Marcel speeds over to her and holds her to his chest as she cries "H-He's gone. They k-killed him." Matilda sobs. "Who Mattie?" Marcel asks. "D-Dad. H-He..." Matilda trails off. Marcel's face drops as he pulls her closer "I got you, Mattie. I got you." he tells her, kissing the top of her head. After a minute Matilda pulls away from her cousin "W-Why didn't you t-tell me that the M-Mikaelson's are alive?" she asks him. "Mattie." Marcel sighs. "No. Why didn't you tell me?" she glares, getting up and making Marcel copy. "Because they're not good for you." Marcel tells her. "Not... They're our family! My Aunt and Uncles... m-my Dad." Matilda retorts angrily. "And look where it got us!" Marcel exclaims. "I'm not doing this Marcel. You made me think that they were dead, that I'd never see them again." Matilda shakes her head, walking out her room. "Where are you going Mattie?" Marcel asks, going after her. "Away from you." Matilda retorts, speeding away.

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