Chapter 7

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7. Lost And Found

After the talk you had had with Jean, things became a little different.

It had been just a few days, yet everyone in your friend group was somehow aware of what had happened and most of them behaved awkwardly in your presence. One example was Connie and Sasha, but you didn't mind since they were Jean's best friends, although it hurt when they didn't invite you to hang out as they usually would.

Even Mikasa was behaving weirdly, something had definitely changed and you could see that she made little to no effort to spend time with you in any way. It was as if she was trying to keep a secret from you and decided to avoid you because of that, but you couldn't blame her since you had a few secrets as well.

Being distant from your friends was definitely a big change, but, to your surprise, you didn't mind that as much as you thought you would. It meant that you could spend more time with your boyfriend and that alone made you feel 10 times happier.

But everything vanished once you were in school where you had to pretend to be distant from him. Thankfully you didn't have to see Eren that day since you didn't have his class, but the downside of the day was that you had class with his brother.

Professor Jeager, well, Zeke Jeager, to differentiate the two. That man was very good at explaining, that was for sure, but he didn't know how to keep his class focused so every student either fell asleep or started to do something else during his hours.

Professor Zoë had many flaws, like her weird obsession with experiments that almost cost her life, but she knew how to keep people entertained. You kind of missed her.

Once the ball signaled the end of the class, you grabbed your stuff ready to move to your next one, which did not excite you at all. You really hated economics and mathematics, those were probably the worst subjects ever, and yet they were your main subjects.

As you were walking down the hallway, you heard your name being called out and, when you turned to check, you noticed Professor Zeke Jeager walking towards you. "Y/n, a moment, please?"

Oh shit, had you forgotten to send any assignments? That had to be it, after all, old habits were hard to break. "I'm so sorry." You immediately started your usual rant that way too many teachers had assisted to. "I didn't mean to forget about the assignments that Professor Zoë left us before her injury, if you could please give me some time I'll make sure to hand in every single one of them." You weren't even sure how many of them you hadn't done.

It was so embarrassing, mostly because he was just a substitute teacher, yet you had to make it awkward for him too. "Oh." He stopped and frowned.

You looked up and met his eyes confused. "Oh?" You repeated not understanding the situation.

"I wasn't even aware there were assignments, your professor hasn't told me anything about it so I'm not checking or anything. I guess you have time to send them? Maybe make sure to contact your teacher and explain her the situation." He chuckled embarrassed, which made you frown in confusion once again, what did he want then? You had just lost dignity for nothing. "I wanted to talk to you about something else."

"Mhm, sure." You waited for him to talk, instead, he kept looking around which kind of irritated you. "How can I be of help, Professor?" You tried to get him to talk before your next class started.

He scratched the back of his neck and smiled a bit. "It's kind of... a private matter."

You tilted your head. "I'm sorry?"

"Can we talk about it in the classroom? Or in my temporary office?" He offered and your smile faded immediately. What was that about? You weren't about to follow him in a closed space for a private conversation you didn't even want to have.

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