Chapter 4

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4. Deep Conversation

Maybe watching a dramatic movie while also feeling like shit wasn't exactly the best idea, you had been crying for what seemed like hours when in reality had been less than five minutes. "Why did they kill him? He was my favorite character." You sobbed as you stared at the computer's screen where you could see the credits of the film. "If they don't revive him in the sequel I swear to god." You muttered.

"Who?" You jumped startled as you saw Mikasa entering the room, she looked rather happy for someone who had just spent her entire day in school. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

You snorted as you laid back on the mattress. "Don't worry, I didn't even hear you get in."

She hummed and then sat next to you. "Are you feeling better?" She touched your forehead for what felt like the millionth time that week.

"I don't have a fever." You pouted. "But yeah, I'm feeling a little better... I guess." You mumbled like a little kid, you didn't want to worry her but at the same time, you knew that feeling better meant that you had to leave your room and try to go back to your daily routine, which wasn't exciting at all if you thought about it. "How was your day?"

Mikasa smiled. "It was very good, honestly."

You frowned. "Jeez, I guess I should stay home more often then-"

"Suck it." She playfully hit your arm and you giggled. "Oh, by the way, Professor Jeager stopped me and Jean to ask about you."

At those words, your cheeks got flushed in a second, your heart pounding in your chest.

You had received his mail and decided to reply with something easy, but that had made you feel both better and worse. Better because he still cared about you, worse because at that point you really didn't have any other excuse to talk to him. It was either get back to the professor-student relationship or cross that line you had mentally traced as soon as you had started to get more friendly.

But at that moment, hearing her say that, you felt happy.

"What did he want?" You tried to sound confused, you didn't want to let her on something. "I've already sent all his assignments." You muttered looking away.

"Don't be so cold, he was just worried since you've been so busy with his work." She caressed your shoulder and you felt like letting out a scream of joy. "He's so sweet and caring, you should come to his next lesson and thank him." She proposed and you forced a small smile.

"Yeaaaaah, great idea." You nodded. "I'll make sure to do that, maybe even buy him a bouquet of flowers and a cake." You joked.

But when you looked at her, you noticed her serious glare and you stopped immediately. "Why do you antagonize him? He hasn't done anything if not helping you."

She was so damn right, but if you didn't antagonize him it would turn into something that wasn't appropriate at all, but you couldn't tell her that. "I know, it's just school, you know." You took a deep breath and sat up. "I'm so sick of this, studying is just not my thing, I'd rather do something else."

"Like all those paintings on our walls." She pointed at all the drawings that you had hung on the walls, you giggled a little and she rolled her eyes. "You know you're great at what you do, once college is done you'll be free to choose what to do."

"Right." You nodded. "Well, for now I just want to relax."

She shook her head. "No can do, Jean has basically begged me to bring you to a party tomorrow night." She poked at your arm and you frowned. "It's one of those parties that are questionable and very illegal, usually I'd disapprove but you need some fun, so I'm coming with you."

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