Chapter 19

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He turned his head away. "Not now, Pep." 

"Not Pepper." The voice sounded amused. "It's Bruce." 

He shot awake at the name. Tony stared at his friend, eyes wide. "Is Peter awake?" 

Bruce nodded. "He asked for you." 

He jumped out of his chair, running a hand through his dark hair. "Okay," he said simply. "Take me to him." 


Every step felt like an eternity. 

Tony Stark had never been nervous. Not when he had met the Avengers. Not when he had fought his battles. Never when he argued and shouted at his dad. 

But this was Peter. 

His son. 

His son that had been taken from him twelve years ago. 

"Here," Bruce stopped in front of the door. "Be gentle. Don't scare him." 

Tony nodded. With a brush of his shoulder, Bruce left. 

His hands shook. But he opened the door. 

He stared past the machines to the bed, where Peter sat propped up against the pillows. His light brown eyes were wide and innocent but wary as they locked onto Tony's frame. 

Bambi, Tony had always called him. Because when Peter had been younger, Peter had adored Bambi. And he had had wide eyes that reminded Tony of the young deer. Not to mention, in Italian, the word bambino meant baby or young child. It fit. 

"Peter," he breathed, tears filling his vision. He sat at the edge of Peter's bed, staring. "I—It's been so long." 

Peter nodded. "Yeah," he whispered, his fingers lacing and twisting together. His voice was tinted with Russian, so much like Bucky's own voice it made dread curl in Tony's stomach. 

"How are you feeling, buddy?" Tony rested a hand against Peter's knee, watching him carefully. 

"Like I've been shot." Peter's lips curled slightly. "But pretty okay." 

"That's good." Tony smiled. 

Peter nodded, and they lapsed into silence. 

"Harley's been missing you," Tony said. "He comes in here everyday." 

Peter smiled. "Good, because I did the same for him." 

He remembered how the guards in the arena had dragged an unconscious Harley into the cell. He had been locked in with Harley as his mind control had faded and he had become Peter Parker again. 

He had tried to wake up Harley for an hour until Harley had actually woken. 

"What happened out there, Pete?" Tony asked gently. "Where have you been all this time?" 

Instantly, Peter's mood soured. "Harley didn't say?" 

Tony shook his head. "He thought it was your story to tell." 

Thoughtfully, Peter nodded slowly. "I guess," he said quietly. "But it's a very, very long story." 

"We've got time," replied Tony. 

"Okay." Peter breathed in. "Well, it started twelve years ago..." 

~ Lyn 

Words: 449 

So the next chapter will either be very, very long or I'll split up the chapter into different chapters. The latter seems more likely as of now. 

Question: Is there anything you want to see later in this story? 

Please remember to comment/vote/share! Don't be silent :)! 

Love you all 3000 <3 

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