Chapter 27

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His eyes shot open and he heaved for a breath, tears streaming down his face. Sobs racked his chest and he curled into himself, thinking that he was back in his cell at HYDRA. 

Brilla brilla la stellina...

He cried out as he remembered Bob the Scientist and the way he had seemed so carefree and nice. If only Peter had realized that Bob had had bad intentions. Maybe Peter wouldn't be an assassin. Maybe Peter wouldn't be broken

"Dad," he whimpered, the lyrics of the Italian song resurfacing in his mind. 

The door to his room burst open, and Tony barreled inside, half-asleep but awake. "Peter?" Tony asked, blinking at his son. 

"Dad," Peter repeated, looking up at him, and Tony's heart froze at the tear tracks that ran down the boy's cheeks. 

"Hey," Tony said quietly. "It's okay." He sat down at the edge of Peter's bed, pulling his son into his arms. "What happened?" 

"Nightmare," Peter mumbled. 

"You wanna—" 

"No," he whispered. 

"Okay," said Tony, and they sat—or in Peter's case, laid down—on the bed in silence. After a couple minutes, when Tony thought Peter had fallen asleep, he moved to get up; but Peter's hand suddenly latched onto Tony's wrist. 

"Stay," Peter muttered sleepily, his half-open eyes begging. 

Tony sat back down. He ran his hand through Peter's hair gently, and as quietly as he could, he started to whisper. 

Brilla brilla la stellina 

Su nel cielo piccolina

Brilla brilla sopra noi,

Mi domando di chi sei...

The next morning, when Harley got up to wake Peter, he was welcomed by the sight of his dad and little brother, sleeping slumped over each other, faded tears on Peter's face. 

~ Lyn 

Words: 287


ANOTHER chapter? 

No wayyy! 

I'm so sorry if this was bad I'm just spitting out chapters as fast as possible....

Anyway, time to get my beauty sleep! 

Love you! 

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