The Hunter & His Prize

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Damien could not decipher what was drawing him to the peculiar boy with hair as dark as the moist soil below his thick hunting boots. When he had spotted him trekking aimlessly around his camp for the second time that evening, the hunter had realised that the little raven had lost his way. His team needed more game for their dinner and Edmonton, as grand as an area it was for a campsite, did not possess a generous amount of wild animals.

He had just been hunting for bushmeat when he stumbled upon the youth yet again.

He could not pinpoint the lad's exact age, but by his waif-like figure, he looked young, probably a teenager like himself. As he shuffled closer; a twig cracked under his boot and instantly a pair of wide, smouldering amber eyes stared back at him. He had never seen eyes that bright, eyes so brilliant, that they shone in the semi-twilight.

Before he could utter a single syllable- the boy fled. The knackered hunter heaved a sigh and groaned as he abandoned his day's kill to pursue the fleeing figure. Damien realised he was most probably unnerving the other fellow. Even so, he wanted to ensure that everything was alright:

A foolish mistake on his part.

As he inched closer to where the teen was--sprawled out on the grass, he could not help but admire the ethereal being.

A halo of unruly dark tresses, long ebony lashes fanning over pert cheekbones, and smooth pale skin kissed with a blush from the exertion

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A halo of unruly dark tresses, long ebony lashes fanning over pert cheekbones, and smooth pale skin kissed with a blush from the exertion. He was on his back, body prone except for the subtle rise and fall of his chest as if he were lost in the world, like Sleeping Beauty herself. As if he belonged on the ground amid the forest with the sun glistening on his alabaster skin.

As the boy lay there by a patch of swaying daisies, he looked almost mythical. This moment of appreciation quickly came to a skidding halt when the strange youth's eyes snapped open and the hunter felt himself being catapulted across the forest opening as if he weighed nothing like that of a wee leaf in the wind. He felt his back crack as he landed crudely into the moist soil, gobsmacked.

With fluttering eyes and protesting muscles, the hunter glanced around as if seeking his wits.

Heart somersaulting with eyes wide as saucers, the lad bolted to where the disorientated chap was and knelt beside him. Worry was etched into the youth's delicate face.

'I am so sorry,' he whispered in a hesitant voice. 'I don't know what just happened. Are you alright?'

Damien sat up and was rendered speechless when he came face to face with him. His eyes seemed to be glowing with more intensity now that they were up this close and it was getting dark, and he was swimming in the golden oasis. The hunter was oblivious to the fact that he was flat-out gawking at the timid youth in front of him.

Colour returned to the flustered boy's cheeks before he cleared his throat inelegantly.

After an odd stretch of silence, he hovered over the hunter, letting out a few coughs to gain his attention once more. The sound brought Damien out of his daze; with lightning speed he got up, almost bumping their heads together before dusting himself off. Damien noticed the way he towered over him and experienced a bit of an ego boost, a lopsided grin gracing his features.

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