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'I can't believe he hit you,' Jene bemused, all attempts of concealing her laughter proved to be futile. Damien hissed as Chloris pressed a pack of frozen peas to his bruised face and ego.

'Well if that handprint is anything to go by, I'd suggest a nice shiner will emerge by tomorrow.' Royley chuckled.

'Didn't think he would do that, he honestly caught me off guard.' Damien mumbled, still reeling from the confrontation. He rarely suffered blows from others, his dashing appearance and charming manners reducing the possibility considerably. The hunter presumed those qualities would be useless against the feisty raven.

'I'm loving this kid already,' Gwen uttered with a gloating grin.

'Hey, aren't you two witches? Damien pointed out in frustration. 'Can't one of you heal my face with some of your juju mumbo jumbo?' He was getting exasperated with the team's taunts by now. The twins exchanged an impish look before clarifying:

'We're still learning about the various branches of magick. We don't know a thing about medicinal magick.' Amara explained.

'Besides, this is far more entertaining,' Jene added, the hunter could tell that the witch was taking the piss, making him groan in defeat.

'What did you do anyways to make the little faerie mad?' Kai asked, taking a considerable gulp of his half-drunk bottle of fizzy pop.

Damien hesitated.

He felt he should not disclose the actual reason why the fae had gotten upset. The fact that the lad had been drowning for some time and hadn't shown any signs of struggle plus the sheer distress in his eyes once he realised he wasn't alone... it was quite clear what the lad's intentions had been, and the realisation made Damien's guts twist into knots. The faerie had wanted to end his life.

Then there were the scars.

Those dreadful scars.

The knowledge that someone was physically harming a magical being... a minor for that matter, made the 17-year-old so vexed that he hadn't realised he was glaring daggers at the frozen pea bag nestled in his palm. That was until he heard his brother calling for his attention for the millionth time in a minute.

'Mate, I've been trying to speak to you for ions now.' Rowley said in exasperation. 'What's gotten your mind in a tizzy?'

Damien drew a deep breath before exhaling slowly. That was quite a loaded query. Several things were doing his head in at the moment, where did he even wish to begin?

'Nothin', just upset he whacked me just for checking him out.' He grated the lie out through his teeth. It was not a complete lie though.

He knew that it was not his place to disclose something so delicate to his teammates. Moreover, it was not a complete stretch. After all, he had been admiring the fae and the way his skin glistened under the sunlight. Scars aside, the boy was a sight for sore eyes. Skin as smooth as silk and the colour of pearls face sculpted by God's own hands and a lean physique that had the hunter's throat drying up in mere seconds. Those fables were right when they said the fae were strikingly gorgeous beings.

Gwen did not look convinced, thin brows arching. She was an empath, so Damien had a hunch that she could feel that something was not right, but either she didn't want to mention it, or she didn't care. Perhaps it was both.

'Whatever, call me when anything mildly interesting happens.' she announced as she rose from the two-sitter and ascended the detachable stairs to flop on the bed in the room she and the twins shared.

After that, the dysfunctional team began their respective motions of activity each performed on the daily. Chloris departed from the cabin to go flower gazing, the twins followed the empath upstairs to infuriate her further, and Kai took Amara to their own room. The hunter did not wish to dwell on what shenanigans they were planning on getting up to.

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