■Chapter 1■

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"You will be married by the end of the week.  Arrangements have already been made."  My father spoke with such authority, you knew he was not to be questioned. 

I simply nodded in response. 

"Your groom and his family will be coming tomorrow afternoon.  I trust that is enough time for you to absorb the news and make yourself presentable."

"It is."  I murmured, saddened that it had come so soon.  I hadn't thought that my father would marry me off so quickly.  He had made me a promise.  One he just broke.

"Then I will see you tomorrow." My father stood up from his chair next to the fireplace in our private library, his shadow stretched and distorted by the flickering flames in the late November night.  He walked to the shelf holding books of old battle strategies used by the pack.  Grabbing one of the documents, he flipped through the pages before looking up.  "You're still here?"

I looked to my feet," I was just on my way out..." I finished," ...sir..." before walking across the cold, dark room to the door, hesitating just in case he changed his mind.  My hopeful glance was met only  by my father's raised eyebrows.  Hope fled and I turned from him and left through the heavy cherry wood door. 

We lived in a small castle, my father and I, gained generations ago from my great grandfather who's pack was murdered.  As an Alpha without a pack, my ancestor loved to gamble and had one lucky win, gaining the castle and its surrounding land.  Unfortunately, he was attacked and killed within the next month by the bitter losers, leaving my great grandmother widowed and pregnant.  The fertile fields on the land surrounding the castle brought in gold, and the interest was more than enough to provide for my great grandmother and her son.  It was enough to keep them alive during the Obliteration while still providing for others, helping our pack to form. 

I walked through the dank halls on my way to my room, my feet making quiet tapping sounds for each step I made.  Being a werewolf, I could hear my footsteps even though a human would not. 

It used to be beautiful.  The castle.  Although after the Obliteration no one felt the need to take care of it and now it was run down and exhausted.  The paint on the walls faded and slightly yellowed.  The flooring scratched and gently warped from too many years without wax.  It was a truly gloomy place, with just as truly gloomy people. 

Finally making it to my room, I sigh as I take in the sight.  A queen sized bed with two pillows and an olive green comforter pressed against one of the faded burgundy walls.  On each side of the bed sat a metal lamp that had thick wires winding off of it with soft multicolored lights.  On the opposite side of the room sat a darkly stained vanity and dresser and two doors leading to an adjoined bathroom and a closet.  Finally, on the outside wall, a Victorian window seat.  No posters or pictures covered the walls, no knickknacks lined the top of the dresser.  Only a small slip of paper tucked in the corner of the mirror on the vanity.  It could have been a guest room if not for the filled drawers. 

Slipping off my silk slippers, I lay back on my bed contemplating the news my father had given me.  Married by the end of the week, I thought while letting out another sigh.  I still had hope for a mate.  Someone destined for me and only me.  Someone to love and cherish me as I would love and cherish them.  Someone to understand life after the Obliteration.  I shook my head, scorning my own childish belief. 

No one's found their mate for nearly fifty years.  No one loves anymore.  Not in this world.  You either marry to reproduce, or you stay single to live alone the rest of your life.  Unfortunately, it's not a choice most have anymore.  Most of the time fathers trade daughters, and daughters provide heirs for their husbands.  There's really nothing more than that.  Just a dreary life in a dreary world.  A world without laughter or hope.  A world ravaged by the Obliteration. 

Sitting up, I contemplate the need to change into a nightgown.  I've never been comfortable sleeping in one of my day dresses though.  I climb out of bed and walk over to my dresser, reach into the top drawer, and pull out one of my nightgowns. 

Quickly replacing my day dress with my sleepwear, I crawl back into bed.  My emotions making it hard to sleep as I felt some anxiety flutter around my chest.  I didn't want to get married.  Sure, I knew it had been coming for some time, but I didn't expect it so soon.  Most girls are married around the age of twenty-four.  I thought I'd had five years to figure something out.  But when your father is one of the strongest alphas left in the world, what can you  expect? 

After the Obliteration, most packs had disappeared completely, but with the land my great grandfather had won, there was plenty of food and housing for a pack.  It soon grew in population, wealth, and power, putting my father, three generations later, as one of the strongest alphas alive.  As his only daughter, I've always known I would marry someone that would help my father politically.  Someone that would take over the pack and become Alpha when my father dies. 

Who is it, though?  I knew asking my father questions about the marriage would just irritate him, but I couldn't help wondering.  Was he an Alpha, a Beta?  Was he handsome?  I know it was shallow, but this was the man I would have to spend the rest of my life with, I would at least like something to ogle.  I almost giggled at the thought.  It doesn't matter, I thought.  My small smile slowly fading, even if he's ugly, or horrid, or cruel, I'll have to marry him anyways.  What an ugly thought.  I quickly push it from my mind.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow, and with that, I fell asleep. 


Hi guys.  My personality does NOT translate well onto electronics, so please don't hate me.  ☺  This was just an idea I came up with and I was wondering if it was worth continuing.  If you think it's not a total failure, please let me know.  I also was wondering if someone would be willing to edit my stories.  I'm REALLY bad with commas.  Anyways, thanks for reading.


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