◾Chapter 2◾

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  A beam of light speared me in the eye as the sun rose, sitting at the perfect angle to reach me through my window, the snow outside reflecting brightly. I rolled over to spare my irritated eye, pulling the cashmere comforter over my head simultaneously. I laid there comfortably for a few minutes, trying my hardest to fall back to sleep and postpone the inevitable anxiety. It didn't work.

Giving up, I sat up and shivered as the cold morning air rushed where my blanket had fallen. Quickly pulling the blanket up around my shoulders, I soaked in the last remaining heat before running to my dresser, grabbing a day dress, and darting into my bathroom. 

The bathroom was nice, I supposed, giving it a quick glance. The ceiling had a nice starburst texture, beginning at the small crystal chandelier and bursting out to cover most of the ceiling. The walls were a gradient light blue, lighter at the top becoming a sky blue at the bottom. Other than those attributes, it was relatively simple. The mirror sitting on one wall above the oak vanity and a simple open-framed shower on another. Turning on the water, I stripped and hopped from foot to foot in order to keep my blood moving while the water reached an acceptable temperature. I did all of this without thinking. My morning routine was something that could possibly change once I was married. I wanted to savor the familiarity. 

  I was standing under the warm shower spray when I realized that my groom would arrive soon. Letting out a sigh, I admitted to myself that I didn't want to meet him. That I wanted to live in my fantasy where he was handsome and young and kind and generous. That he would treat me delicately and make sure that I would always have all I wanted or needed. The thought that he may be old and ugly and cruel terrified me, filling my insides with despair. 

Running away wasn't an option though. I knew that no matter how horrible my future husband could have been, he would be far better than anything that would await me outside of pack lands. Out there no one would help me, and I'd probably be kidnapped or raped before I reached even the fifteenth mile outside of the border. If I left, I'd no longer be under my father's protection, and then the true horrors would begin. 

 I stepped outside of the shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy, white towel, walking over to the vanity before beginning to comb my dark brown hair. I couldn't tell my father I didn't want to marry. His anger was something to be reckoned with, and not enough time stood between the last beating and a possible new one, I thought, looking at the lingering bruises on my midsection. Even with a werewolf's quickened healing, they were still obvious. 

Slipping on my burgundy day dress and inspecting myself in the mirror, I decided that it was formal enough to meet my groom and his family. Besides, it brought out my green eyes, and I'd only have to spend five or six hours conversing and straightening out arrangements. Then I would have the rest of the evening to myself, so I could hole up in my room and read for the rest of the night. 

That was the optimistic side of things. 

If worse came to worst, I could be stuck the entire day, with no alone time. I would talk and smile and be polite until my groom and his family decided they were tired enough to spare me from spending more time with them. Then I would walk to my room and collapse from exhaustion caused by lying through my teeth and pretending to have a great time. 

 I settled on thinking optimistically. 

I carefully placed my feet into my slippers before exiting my room and taking a right down the dimly lit hall on my way to the kitchen. I wasn't allowed in there, but if my father was still asleep, I could possibly get away with it. It was his way of keeping me here. With his constant warnings of what life is like off pack lands, he knew I would never leave. My inability to provide for myself only makes him more secure in my fear of leaving. He was right.

The kitchen was the only well-kept room in the castle. Its granite counter tops never needed to be replaced, and the cabinets were regularly cleaned and waxed, keeping them shiny and healthy. With its dark, hardwood flooring and matching cabinets that contrasted perfectly with the pale yellow walls, the kitchen was lovely.

I walked in and saw Maren preparing some hash browns. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, opening my eyes when Maren spoke. 

 "You know better than to be in 'ere. Your father was 'ere jus' a second ago." She chastised. 

The thought of my father made me automatically nervous, glancing over my shoulder as if he'd be there, I took a slow breath to calm myself. He's not here, I thought thankfully.

I smiled at Maren," Then I was just leaving." 

  Peeking my head out of the door to make sure the coast was clear, I gave a sigh of relief. Quickly walking in the direction of the dining room, I was grateful Maren warned me of my father. Pausing a moment to compose myself, I walked into the dining room. 

 Sitting at the head of the table was my father, nodding and smiling politely at something a man with salted brown hair said. Those in the room looked up as I entered. A woman with light brown hair sat next to the brown-haired man dressed in a dark green gown with golden accents. Then, finally, sat a young man about my age with dark brown hair and the most enchanting eyes. The navy blue seemed to just pull you in and drown you. 

My father cleared his throat and spoke," Azula, come sit and eat breakfast with us."

Snapping out of my trance, I felt a slight blush rise to my face as I realized I had been staring. Walking towards the table, I concentrated on not tripping over imaginary things and made it to my chair safely. I couldn't quite meet the young man's eyes for embarrassment when he pulled out my chair, but I noted his attractive build. 

Smoothing my hands under my butt as I sat down, I looked up to find the adults watching me inquisitively. All the while my mind was still on the smooth toned muscles that weren't bulky. Hearing the chair beside me being pulled out, I glanced over to ogle as the young man seated himself beside me.

My father broke the silence," Dear daughter, meet your groom and his parents. They arrived several hours earlier than expected." 

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