Chapter 19

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Y/S = Your Sister

Unsurprisingly, I awoke almost immediately after falling asleep. I blinked somewhat sleepily, looking around. It looked like I was in the Omega Timeline again...


I looked over and smiled. Frisk! I'm glad to see you're okay!

He ran up and hugged me while I was sitting in a chair. I hugged him back. *I was so worried about you!

I chuckled, still feeling a bit drowsy. Those painkillers must've been really strong... I'm okay, I'm okay...well...actually, I might not be okay, but that's a little beside the point.

Dream came over to me, looking rather battered. I frowned in concern. What happened to you, Dream?

"Long story. The long and short of it is that I had to fight Nightmare and his gang to get the bracelets away from him and back here to the Omega Timeline."

I made a face, letting go of Frisk and looking at my wrists. Yep. Neon purple bracelets were still there.

Well, thanks for that. Really, I don't know if I can take much more of Nightmare's presence at the moment. He was in my head the whole time I was awake.

Dream looked concerned. "Huh? In your head?"

I explained to him about the liquid negativity in my brain and Nightmare being able to partially control me should I allow it in my world.

"That sounds terrible! Are you okay in your world??" Dream asked frantically.

I winced. I was apparently shot a lot. With bullets. But I'm not dead! bruised as can be. And also that stab wound in my back is still there. From that discolored Undyne's attack. I let out a breath. I'm also very drowsy. Someone gave me painkillers for all the bruises and stuff on me and it's making me kinda sleepy...

Dream sighed. "I wish I could help more...I'd do anything if I could...but I'm stuck in this multiverse."

It's okay!

*Why are your clothes different? They're usually pajama-like.

Ah. Um. About that...the people in my world...kinda put me in a secure facility and I doubt I'm ever gonna be able to leave. I killed...he killed... I trailed off as tears pricked my eyes. ...a lot of people...

*What about...your family?

I wiped my eyes before tears could escape. Th-They're okay, they're just under house arrest at the moment. I wanted to call them before I fell asleep, but I got too anxious to try. Thank God I...uh, he didn't kill any of them. I don't think I could stand it if any of them had died. Not that I'm handling the deaths of innocents very well, though...

Dream put a hand on my shoulder. "I don't blame you for feeling bad, but just remember, it wasn't your fault. You did everything you could to stop XGaster from taking control and you held out for so long."

I nodded slowly. It still hurts me to know that it was my body that enacted the killing of all those people...

"That just means you have a heart for others. Kinda like me!"

I chuckled weakly. True enough...

One of the Toriels in the Omega Timeline came over with some kind of sandwich. "Here, young child. This will heal you."

I took it with a quiet thank you and began nibbling on it as Dream and Frisk talked with me some more.

*So what kind of control does Nightmare have in your world? I know you said only partial since you decide when he can control you, but by how much?

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