Chapter 32

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As per usual, as soon as sleep settled over me, I awoke back in a forest. Not in a tree.

I blinked slowly and sat up, rubbing my head.

Night and Dream and the trio all looked at me. "So you're back."

I glanced over at Horror. Yeah...I suppose I am.

Dust looked around for a moment. "Where are the other humans?"

I shook my head. Back at the facility I left.

Dream looked at me with wide eyes. "That you...left? You got out?"

I winced. Yeah...nearly killed a few people, but I guess Mathias took pity on me and took me out a back way. I just hope he doesn't get fired...or worse.

"Are you in a safe spot right now?" He asked, looking worried.

In a tree about 300 feet from civilization. Though I dunno what I'm supposed to do once I wake up considering how I look.

"You could always ask the freakazoid out there to separate you again." Killer said nonchalantly.

I glared at him. First off, he's never separated me, that was Nightmare. Second, no. Why the hell would he listen to a request of mine like that?

"I dunno, just a suggestion."

I rolled my eyes, huffing. Stupid one, if you ask me.

"Well, no one did, human." Killer retorted.

My anger spiked slightly as my tendrils slinked out of my back, swishing tensely. You wanna say that again, Killer...?

Killer narrowed his eternally crying eyes. "You may have the liquid negativity of the boss, but you're not him. You're still just a lowly human with no clue what you're doing."

"Can it, Killer. You can argue semantics with her later. The remainder of the multiverse surviving XGaster kinda relies on us working together." Dust muttered to Killer.

At least one of you three has any sense... I grumbled.

Y/N, what should we do? Night asked.

I looked over at him. How's your energy levels?

Better now that I'm not having to keep a gap in reality open. Just about full, I'd say.

That's good. Dream, how about you?

"It's...difficult to say. I feel fine, but I doubt I'd get many positivity arrows going. With the multiverse in shambles as it is, positivity is not on the forefront of anyone's mind."

Is there anyone who we can call on to aid us in fighting XGaster?

Dream looked pained. "Blue's...gone. Ink is off somewhere in this universe, though I can't tell where. He's relatively close, so possibly in the city? There's always Error, but that seems like a bad idea."

"Error and the boss always had a rocky kind of relationship. While we're willing to follow the boss, Error comes and goes on the whole following thing." Horror said, studying his axe in slight boredom.

And how exactly would one call upon a certain destruction Sans?

Dust held up a short blue string that he'd pulled from his pocket. "Break one of these and Error comes along. Horror and Killer have already used theirs in the past, but I've been saving mine. Seems now's a good a time as any."

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