Chapter 42

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As soon as I fell asleep, I awoke on my back in Corrupt's realm, staring at the dark ceiling.

...with a splitting headache.

I groaned slightly, struggling to sit up.  God, did you guys have to fight so hard...?  Ow...

Corrupt appeared next to me, crossing his arms.  He seemed mildly irritated.  I didn't realize the weakling was as strong as he is.

That's a contradictory statement...  I muttered, holding my head.

"FINALLY, you're awake!  Can you stop this inkblot from pestering me?  Because I'm about to go insane."

Ink snickered.  "You're already insane, glitchy."

Canonically, you're not wrong, Ink, but it would be wise to not pester Error.  Especially cuz I need all of you with me to help properly take down XGaster.  Also, I do need you, Ink.  I don't know how to get to Fatal's area.

"Just me?  You sure you don't wanna bring your little minions along? "

I winced as Corrupt scowled at Ink.  MY minions, not hers.

Besides, the last thing I want is for them to up and die on me before the final confrontation.  I said, standing up and stretching.

"You always get to go out and do the fun things."  Killer pouted.

I tched.  Fatal_Error is hardly fun.  Be glad I don't wanna bring you along because you could possibly glitch out of existence.  I have to somehow convince him to NOT kill me and convince him to help take out XGaster.

"The latter should be the easier part, at least..."

Exactly.  Now how do I stop him from ending my existence?

"Just say exactly what you want immediately, anomaly."  Error said with a sigh as if it was the most obvious solution.

Okay...and if he isn't listening?

"I could always beat him up a little.  Emphasis on 'a little'.  Remember, he has craaaazy defense."

I know, I know...  Let's just get this over with...

Ink nodded and painted a portal onto the ground, jumping through.

I steeled myself and followed after him.

The dark room changed to a dark area filled with static.  It hurt my still-aching head a little more.

Ink looked around, holding his giant paintbrush over his shoulder.  "He should be around here somewhere..."

"Hmmm...howww curiouus..."

I tensed as Fatal_Error appeared in front of us, looking amused.  "Baccck for mmmoree paainn, corrrrrupteed onee?"

He then tilted his head, growing immensely curious.  "Yourrrr straangge..."

Fatal, you want to destroy XGaster, right?  I said quickly, trying not to show my fear of him.

He grinned widely.  "Ahh...the huuumann fromm beefoore...  I thhoughhht I scaaarred yoou awayyy..."

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