Chapter 35

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I blinked for a moment before I started panicking. Okay, uh...SH*T.

I felt Night's presence in my mind almost immediately. Are you okay? What happened?

Nothin' much, just waking up at the absolute most horrible time. I got curious since we were near the barrier, and it was still existing, so I wondered what could be beyond it since humans and monsters were together in my AU...turns out it's opposite traits of all the positive ones I thought up. crossed the barrier, didn't you...?

I sighed heavily, putting my face in my hands. Yes and no. I stuck my hand through, surprised that I even COULD cross it...turns out Asgore was at the barrier, too, and he yanked me through. Let's just say...things did NOT turn out in my favor.

What's the story down there, then?

They have 6 positive souls already and they need a 7th to break out, just like the main timeline...except I dunno if that's even safe. It felt like the surface was far too positive and the underground felt really negative. There were even humans living normally underground!

You got stuck down there, huh?

Yup. I was NOT prepared to be fighting a cruel Toriel and a violent Asgore. Sans is...whatever the opposite of determination is and Papyrus is deceitful. Alphys seems extremely lethargic, and I would guess that Undyne has no sense of justice.

That is...strange to hear. Do you need help?

Can Ink, or any of you for that matter, teleport past the barrier?

Night was silent for a few minutes and I closed my eyes, rubbing my temples. This was all turning out to be a mess...

We can, but we'd need to know your exact location. Otherwise, we'd end up somewhere random.

Does saying Snowdin work? Because that's where I passed out. It hasn't been that long, right?

It's been a couple hours since you walked off, though considering I got with you as soon as you woke up, I'd say it hasn't been long, no.

Could you guys please find my body before I get freaking dissected and my soul stolen to open the barrier?

We'll do our best. You should get moving yourself. Who knows how far they're willing to look for you.

Right...I was still being hunted in my own world. I'd forgotten about that. Probably until they capture me again...

Night went silent before I felt his presence leave. I looked around a bit, listening carefully for any unusual sounds.

...nothing. Good.

I used the tendrils to clamber down from the tree and stretched. I hoped the others could find me before I got fricked up...

I looked around some more before choosing a direction and taking off.

The day was rather boring as I ran. I subconsciously kept checking my soul time and again, but nothing changed. I wasn't sure if anything WOULD change here if I got messed up soul-wise in the other world...

About halfway through the day, it started to rain. Greeeeat...

I hissed in pain from every raindrop that hit me as I sought shelter. Being in the middle of a forest, though, didn't provide many options. I simply located a large tree with many leaves and climbed into it, curling up as close to the trunk as possible.

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