Chapter 03: Charles Had A Sister

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May 2015

Forty minutes later, after a quick pitstop at your respawn point those twenty miles out of town, you were all in Baby once more and finally on your way home. Dean had insisted on stopping there, wanting to check the place out for himself for any clue as to why you hadn't appeared until a week later. He made you wait in the car with Sam while Cass accompanied him, weary himself of not letting you out of his sight either.

You were riding shotgun again, yet another stipulation Dean had made along the way. His right hand rarely letting go of yours as he drove, unless he needed it to manoeuvre the car. He and Cass had found nothing at the site and on returning to Baby, his hand took hold of yours the second the ignition had turned over and he'd put her into drive.

During the last twelve hours since you'd been reunited with your friends and boyfriend, you had picked up that there was something rather large they'd been hiding from you. An elephant in the room if you will.

At first, it was a look all three men carried. A fear perhaps. There was the occasional exchanged look whenever the Mark of Cain was brought up and Dean himself had been avoiding talking about what had happened to him after he'd left you the first voicemail of supposedly many. They were definitely hiding something, but Dean had made it perfectly clear, he wanted everything laid out on the table between you.

Now that you felt you finally had a long enough gap to ask them about it, you took the opportunity to corner all three of them at once. "Okay guys. Seeing we're stuck in the car for another two hours at least, are you going to tell me what's going on now? Something is definitely up."

Dean looked over to you and was about to say something when Sam interrupted with "Dean hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?" You addressed Dean with the question before informing Sam that you'd only really covered what had happened to you so far.

"There was a consequence to removing the mark with the book. In general actually..." Dean began. "Death warned me, before I killed him."

Your eyes widened, not really focusing on anything in particular. "Death? As in, the grim reaper death?"

"That's the one." Dean pursed his lips.

"You remember that voicemail Dean left you?" Sam interrupted, scolding in a way that seemed to hint that he hadn't forgiven Dean for whatever it was he was about to tell. "And the note he left me. How he was saying goodbye?"

You nodded your head slowly, watching Dean's reaction to Sam's words. Shame, obvious in his eyes. "Yeah..."

"He summoned Death to kill him." Sam continued from behind the drivers seat.

You weren't angry that he had attempted to have himself killed, you forgave him for everything that had happened while you had been apart, even the things you didn't know yet. But you were saddened that you weren't there for him during his time of distress. He had gone to do something so drastic and he had done it all alone.

Your fingers were currently intertwined with his and you squeezed them once in reassurance. The secret signal you shared. He squeezed you right back, choosing then to glance at you briefly. His lips upturning ever so slightly you would almost miss it.

"And you killed Death?" you asked Dean directly.

"Yeah. But not before he told me that the Mark of Cain was a lock and that it needed to exist in the world in order to keep something out of it." Your brows furrowed in concentration as you tried to keep up and understand. "When the mark was removed it opened the lock and the Darkness was released."

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