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"Hey you dumbass, yeah you in the tank. You cozy?"
(Robin's POV)
"There's a child here with me" Rick said. "You got ammo?" The guy from the radio asked. "More than enough" I said, the guy from the radio then spoke again "Make it count" he said. Rick and I looked at each other and nodded. I opened the tank from where we entered. The biters were busy feasting on the horses. I threw a rock in another direction causing them to look in that direction. "Smart" Rick says. We quickly run out of the tank shooting any biters too close for comfort. We turned a corner and I pointed my gun at something well more like someone. "Woah, woah, not dead!" A Korean man said. I hesitantly lowered my gun and then once I figured he wouldn't do anything I put it in my holster. "I'm Glenn" the man said. "You the guy from the radio?" I ask. He nods, we start climbing a ladder since some biters started heading to us. "At least it'll be the fall that kills ya" I joke. We make it to a store and some guy in a suit that's in those movies where they have them on just because radiation comes out with a bat and kills the biter that was close to us. We enter the department store and a blonde woman points a gun at me "Do you have any idea what you just did?! That attracted more geeks!" The woman yelled. "She's just a kid Andrea" Glenn said. Andrea backed off once she figured she threatened a kid.We headed to the top of the department store.There was another woman there, a man that didn't give me a good feeling about him, a man that seemed cool, and the guy that had the decontamination suit was there.They seemed like they were trying to get a signal on a walkie talkie. One of them said "We're stuck at a department store because there are geeks surrounding it.".They all started thinking of a plan to get out. The man that didn't give me a good feeling about him called the guy that seemed cool a racial slur. They got in a fight, and Rick handcuffed the man that I learned name's Merle to a metal pole.The man looked at me and was being a bit rude and was also trying to get me to convince the others to uncuff him. Then the other man stepped in and said " Why? So you can call me the N word some more?" I learned his name is Theodore Douglas, he said to call him T-dog or T. The man that was in the decontamination suits name is Morales. The other woman here's name is Jacqui.I sat in a corner listening to the conversation the adults were having.
"What attracts them?" Rick asked. "Sound if they hear you they come like a dog" I said."And smell" someone else added. "Sight, they see you they head to you, and if they catch you they eat ya" I said. Everyone looked at me shocked. "What? Just saying" I asked. I sat there and thought about something. "I know how we can get out!" I said. Everyone looked at me again."How?" Multiple people said. "The guts, mask our scent.We could cut one open and use the guts." I said, everyone looked disgusted. We started proceeding with the plan.They dragged the biter inside and someone started cutting it open, they soon stopped and were about to vomit.They stopped cutting it open, everyone else started gagging. I sighed in annoyance and grabbed my hunting knife. I started cutting it open myself unfazed. "How the hell are you not fazed by this?!" T asked. "Ain't my first rodeo, I hunt." Once I finished cutting the biter open we decided that Glenn, Rick, and I were gonna mask our scents with the guts.Once we did that we started heading out.It was going fine until a biter followed Glenn and was looking at him like he was dinner.It took everything in me not to laugh when he had to make a noise like a biter for the biter to leave him alone.Then disaster struck it started raining and our walker gut smell was wearing off.Rick killed a biter with his axe while me and Glenn ran ahead. We started climbing a gate. After we climbed the gate we found two vehicles. We found one white van and one red sports car. Rick decided that Glenn and I would take the sports car to lead away the biters. Rick was gonna take the white van to help the others. Rick pulled a wire to make the car alarm blare. Glenn and I got in the car. Glenn starts driving way past the speed limit, but it's fine.

Authors note I just realized that Rick was in a coma for a month so please don't come at me just for mistaking how long he was in the coma that's all for now. Maybe I'll make two chapters today if I'm not busy.

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