three | not on the team

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Rolling around in bed, Flo almost feels like screaming. The thing is, she hates waking up with a passion but she's both a morning person and a night owl. After giving herself a few minutes to stare at the blank, boring ceiling in pure regret, she manages to get herself out of bed. Although she definitely stays in her pajamas.

Going down the stairs, Flo walks to her fridge and figures out what she's going to make for breakfast. She decides on crepes and sends Summer a quick text saying she's cooking with her address, letting her know that she can bring her other friends with too if they would want to come.

Halfway through cooking, her phone chimes and she picks it up, thinking that it's just Summer responding to her. Not only did she see that she accidentally missed Summer's response of her and Marlon coming over, but she also has a text from an unsaved number.

'Good morning, Rapunzel!'

She has a scowl on her face while texting him back, asking him how he got her number and unintentionally including an excessive amount of swearing. After him telling her to blame Summer, she puts her phone on silent and places it face down on the counter. Starting to set out the plates for Summer and Marlon, she anxiously adjusts everything to make sure it's presentable for someone new.

It's as if they sense that everything's ready because her guests arrive just as she's finished. Suddenly she's hyper aware that she's still in her pajamas, but when she looks up she notices that they're also dressed similarly and her shoulders relax with relief.

"Hey, Trouble!" Marlon has an amused smile as he recalls the incident. Flo grows sheepish at the nickname. Is that really going to stick with them now? Her attention switches when Summer pulls her into a side hug and messes with her hair. Flo swats her away even while smiling fondly at her.

Summer nudges her while struggling to talk through her laughter, "I seriously can't believe you did that! It's also kind of hard to figure out how the hell he's going for you even more now."

"Wait, Bax has a thing for you?" Marlon looks confused and intrigued.

Florentina's voice is flat and annoyed, "No, he just decided to make annoying me his new favorite hobby."

"She's lying, ignore her. Let's eat!" The three of them grab their plates and move into the living room, turning on a random show for background noise. Overwhelming appreciation wells in her chest when they compliment her cooking. It's a hobby of hers so she always get happy when other people appreciate something she enjoys.

Somehow they end up laughing and talking about what Flo did over the summer that she was alone in New York. "She got arrested while we were on FaceTime because she fell and knocked down an isle of food at the grocery store so they accused her of vandalism." Summer starts uncontrollably laughing as she remembers the look on Florentina's face after it happened.

Marlon's face is shocked and he starts laughing with Summer. Flo's laughter starts small before the other two become contagious and they seem to get louder as it goes on.

A different type of happiness overcomes Florentina. It's the kind of happiness where you're looking at the people around you and realizing that you'll remember this moment forever. The type where you realize that you want to keep these people in your life as long as you can hold on to them. She watches them laugh with a spark of pure bliss shining in her eyes.

After they finish up, Marlon ends up leaving to get ready for the group's training session while Summer decides to catch a ride with Flo and borrow some of her clothes.

The two girls pull up right behind Manu's van as he drives away. After parking the car, they walk over to join Bodhi, Poppy, and Ari as they talk about the new coach. Flo accidentally bumps Ari's shoulder and he staggers. Scratch that, it was definitely on purpose. Ari looks down at her in confusion and she gives him the fakest smile she can muster.

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