Prologue Part 1 New beginnings

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Having liberated the Hourglass and become Keeper of Time, my next task was to restart history. Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a New Era. It was with humility and restraint that I approached this blank canvas.

After careful preparation, I began work. Painting over the darkness. After eons passed, I sketched out the realms. After eons more, I brushed them in with life.

In my New Era, all beings will have the opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, will be their responsibility. For my power only permits me to begin this endeavor. It is the duty of mortals to finish it.


Within the realm of Outworld, a group of people were gathered around a caravan as they were greeted by someone that appeared merely, as an old man.

Old man: My friends, your patience is about to be rewarded. For I have saved the best for last.

The people were curious to what he meant by that.

Old man: I have recently discovered a cure-all of unrivaled potency. It will soon be on the shelves in every home of Outworld.

He gave quite a convincing performance to the crowd.

Old man: This elixir is crafted from an ancient recipe. It has flowers, margovian nectar, powdered teeth of an Arctikan Dragon. All this and more, infused with powerful Lekorian magic. There is a village, in the next canton over, where everyone has purchased this miracle cure. Overnight, all diseases, even Tarkat, have disappeared.

The audience was intrigued by this development, while he reached back and pulled out a bottle of elixir.

Old man: Now magic this potent is expensive. And I am sure you're asking yourselves. "Can I afford it?" but the true question you must ask is: (smiles)"Can I afford to be without it"?

???: You lie, Shang Tsung. Your cures are useless!

Shang Tsung's smile faded when he saw a man far behind the crowd. The people backed away as he marched towards Shang Tsung, with fists balled up and holding a very angry expression. Shang Tsung saw it as he tried to remain composed, despite the situation he was in.

Shang Tsung: I'm sorry. You are?

Man: Someone fool enough to have believed you. My daughter was dying when you came to my farm. You promised a miracle and I gave you all I had. But only days later... (sadden) she was dead.

Shang Tsung: (laughs) That is impossible. My magic could not have failed her.

Farmer: (anger) THERE WAS NO MAGIC!!! I took your elixir to an imperial mage and you know what she said?

The farmer snatched the elixir and smashed it on the ground.

Farmer: It's nothing! Just Borjang Tea!

The crowd gasped while some shot glares at Shang Tsung. Meanwhile he was growing nervous as he stammered.

Shang Tsung: (nervous) T-The mage was mistaken, kind sir. My elixirs are of superior quality. Their efficacy is guaranteed.

He tried to assure them, but his words fell on deaf ears as the farmer grabbed hold of Shang Tsung and threw him onto the ground.

He groaned from the impact, only to look and see the villagers gathering around him to punish the fool for trying to lie his way out of the current situation.

Later that night as it started raining, Shang Tsung was battered and beaten as he stepped out of his caravan and sat on the steps.

He set a case on top of his knees and opened it as he looked at himself in the mirror, looking at his appearance as he sighed and reached back.

He pulled off what appeared to be a wig and a latex mask, he pulled off his beard showing his real face as he was really a young man.

He pulled off what appeared to be a wig and a latex mask, he pulled off his beard showing his real face as he was really a young man

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Broken by many who saw him as the farmer did, worthless beyond words. That is, until fate intervened.

???: It is an excellent ruse, your disguise.

Shang Tsung turned to see a woman, shrouded in darkness, but eyes could be seen in the dark.

Woman: Backwater folk are more likely to trust a kindly old man.

But he did not accept her kind compliment, believing she was one sent by one of his old clients.

Shang Tsung: Here on behalf of another dissatisfied customer? If it's revenge you want, have at it. If it's restitution, (looks away) there's nothing left.

Woman: What I want, Shang Tsung, is to elevate you. (approached a couple feet away) To make you the great sorcerer that you can only pretend to be.

Shang Tsung: (looks at her) A generous offer. Why me?

Woman: (smirks) You are uniquely resilient. Who else could eke out a living traveling Outworld's hinterlands, selling quack cures and fake magic?

Shang Tsung: (stands up, scoffs) A living? It is barely survival.

She soon started walking towards him, revealing herself in the light as a woman with blue eyes, in a black dress, with silver patterns engraved like armor.

Woman: And you were meant for more. To live among kings, not peasants. But since before you were born, you have been conspired against. By those who fear how formidable you could become

Shang Tsung looked at her as he became curiouser, and curiouser by the minute.

Shang Tsung: How do you know this? Who are you?

Woman: I am your deliverer, Shang Tsung. Join me and I will put the realms at your feet.

She offered him the opportunity, once he heard it, he couldn't help but grin at the idea of him ruling the realms.

Prologue part 1: Ended

Next Prologue: Fall of the Order and the Elder god's offer

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