𝒳𝐼𝐼𝐼. 𝑀𝑜𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒪𝓃

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Act One; Chapter Thirteen

Word Count: 7108

[Season One, Episode Five]

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[Season One, Episode Five]

Eve has felt an eternal guilt ever since the day she was born, and instead of her parents easing that burden, they inadvertently added to it. Now, despite that, Eve didn't consider her parents to be bad people—just bad parents.

To be quite honest, if you were to ask Eve why her mother and father had four children in the first place, she wouldn't be able to give a reasonable answer. The best she could conjure was that they wanted someone to continue their legacy, and unfortunately, Albert and Mary Rhee placed all that pressure on Eve.

In fact, because of that, Eve had a heartbreaking gut feeling that her parents didn't see her as their youngest daughter, or even a person, but instead as their own personal project to work on until she became absolute perfection. However, no human is or can ever be perfect, but again, Eve wasn't even really sure that her parents saw her as an actual human being in the first place.

Despite feeling like this her entire life, Eve never once complained or argued against what her parents did, said, or wanted her to do. How could she? When so many people would kill to have the life Eve's parents had given her. Plus, Eve knew deep down that her parents ultimately only wanted what was best for her....or at least she really hoped so.

Still, high expectations were a menace to live up to, and Eve would oftentimes push aside her own well-being in order to achieve the immense goals her parents set. Tragically, though, nothing ever seemed to satisfy them, and their minute reactions always made Eve want to scream at the top of her lungs. Although, as Eve looked back on it, maybe they were right to not be proud of her, especially when she couldn't save Amy despite going to college to become a doctor.

God, Amy, the memories of her dying were still fresh in Eve's mind, and they felt painfully raw. It also didn't help that Andrea was keeping a vigil watch over her deceased sister all night, and nothing could snap Andrea out of her mournful daze.

"She still won't move? Rick asked wearily.

"She won't even talk to us," Lori said tiredly. "She's been there all night. What do we do?"

The whole group was utterly exhausted from the events of last night, and no one had gotten  a wink of sleep. How could they? When all of them had experienced such a traumatic event.

Most people spent the night cleaning up the mess caused by the attack or trying to mentally recover. Jules and Glenn were outliers though since they had focused all their energy on taking care of Eve.

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