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Red velvet

Bae joo-hyunAge:32Family:dad,momCousins of got7

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Bae joo-hyun
Cousins of got7

Mafia group:red velvet
Mafia name:Irene
Mafia position:leader

Mafia group:red velvetMafia name:IreneMafia position:leader

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Kim ye-rim
Cousins of got7

Mafia group:red velvet
Mafia name:yeri
Mafia position:hacker

Mafia group:red velvetMafia name:yeriMafia position:hacker

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Park soo-young
Cousins of got7

Mafia group:red velvet
Mafia name:joy
Mafia position:snipper

Mafia group:red velvetMafia name:joyMafia position:snipper

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Kang seul-gi
Cousins of got7

Mafia group:red velvet
Mafia name:seulgi
Mafia position: dealer

Mafia group:red velvetMafia name:seulgiMafia position: dealer

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Shon seung wan
Family:dad, mom
Cousins of got7

Mafia group:red velvet
Mafia name:wendy
Mafia position:killer

Mafia group:red velvetMafia name:wendyMafia position:killer

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Im yoon-ah

She is the mom of got7 and she knows her son's being in Mafia and also know about y/n

She is the  mom of got7 and she knows her son's being in Mafia and also know about y/n

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Lee jun-ho

He is the father of mamamoo and he also knows that his daughter's being Mafia and about y/n

So here is the introduction of rv and got7,mamamoo I took yoon-ah and jun-ho as mom and dad cus I love this couple and I recently watched their drama
Can u guess which drama it is

I also took red velvet as got7 cousin cuz I have seen in lots of FF were red velvet and twice plays the enemy role and I wanted a change

Bye take care
Love u 💕💕

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