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Red velvets

Joy:I know you guys are worried about her

Wendy:but he is not a bad person and actually he didn't KISSED her

Suga:how are you so sure everyone in the cafeteria saw that-

Seulgi: cuz is back facing to others except our table making everyone thinking he kissed her when he actually whispered in her ears

Rm: ok if he didn't KISSED her one matter clear but he fucking kidnapped her in front of our eyes

Irene:he did not kidnapped her 8f he really kidnapped y/n would have broke his bones already

J-hope:that's what we are thinking why y/n didn't do anything

Joy:cuz he is y/n's childhood best friend and is name is-

Eunwoo:his name is hwang in-yeop (he said cutting of joy)

Joy:don't cut me off when I am speaking(scary voice)

Seulgi:what he said is true that's why y/n didn't did anything to him and let them have a talk after so many years


Yeri:no but when she comes back ask her directly if she is ready she will open up to you

Irene:now let's go and you guys don't create any trouble(says while pointing towards bts)

Eunwoo:wait don't you think I deserve an explanation

V:long story short our dad married her mom and we are step sibling now

Jm:and we all started to open up to her and same goes to her as well

Eunwoo:that's a lot to process but wait where is blackpink

Jin:now you said it where actually are they

???:we are here

Bangpink pov

While everyone was drooling over him and oppas discussing that boys name we secretly followed y/n and that boy and found them in the garden of the backside of school and heard their conversation.

we were kinda shocked at first but quickly came back to the cafeteria as we got to know that he is no harm to y/n and he is bestfriend of y/n so we we decided to leave them as they start to catch up on what's happening in each other's life and when we came back we heard you know what conversation

BP:we are here

Jin:girls where did you go without informing any one of us

Lisa:while you all were drooling over we decided to follow them

Yoongi:oh God for first time you did something good


Jennie:we followed them and found out he is y/n's bestfriend

Rose:and he is no harm to her

Jisoo:so we came back to give them privacy

Rm:but how can you leave them like that what if-

Jennie:oppa relax we heard their conversation and it was made sure that he is no harm to y/n and then we came back

Jk:ok but who is he

Rose:well let me say his name is hwang in-yeop childhood bestfriend of y/n and treats her as his sister

A/n: (coughs) are you sure about that

In-yeop: yay you author stop speaking nonsense

A/n:am I speaking nonsense

In-yeop:yes you monkey

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