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Y/n pov

I went to my home after I bid my goodbyes to my friends as my mom had ordered me to come back home early I wonder what she has to say

I went to my home and I saw her smiling while texting someone I never seen her smile like this after my dad passed away she must be really happy

Y/n: hi mom

Y/n mom:hi sweetheart what took u so long to reach

Y/n: are u kidding me I came here in a speed of light after school I didn't even bid goodbyes to my friend properly and u are saying I am late

Y/n mom: I was just kidding ok now go fresh up and come to dinner I have something important to tell you

Y/n:I know that's why I came home straight after school

Y/n mom: ok enough now go and fresh up

Y/n:ok I am going

(I went to my room and took a shower and changed something into cozy)

Y/n in mind:I have never seen her happy like this before but I promise that I am not going to let that smile go away I swear

(I went to the dining room and saw mom already made my meal and was waiting for me)

Y/n:looks like I am quite late

Y/n mom: not really but sit down

(I sat down and started eating my lunch )

Y/n: btw mom what is that thing that u wanted to tell me

Y/n mom: well about that honey please be calm and don't get angry

Y/n: well it depends on what you say mom(stern voice)

Y/n mom: ok it's that I have a boyfriend and I want to marry him

Y/n: well dating isn't problem but are u sure about the marriage mom(calm voice)

Y/n mom: yes honey I am sure I love him very much after your dad

Y/n: are you sure about It mom(cold)

Y/n mom:y.e.s.. h.on.ey(shaking)

Y/n:how long have u been dating him(💯 cold voice)

Y/n mom: from 4 to 5 months

Y/n:and u are telling me about it now

Y/n mom: it's just that I hadn't got right time to tell you sweetheart

Y/n:dating isn't any problem cuz I know that u have to move on from dad but are u sure about marriage

Y/n mom:yes honey I am sure

Y/n: well I guess it's okay cuz I know that u need a life partner as well but once u decide don't regret it mom(she said it in her calm her dangerous voice)

After saying that y/n went up to her room and locked her door
Y/n mom was really shocked to see her daughter behaving so calm she thaught that she wouldn't agree to this but seeing her daughters this side she definitely knew that the storm is coming soon

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