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In school

Y/n pov

Currently it's history right now and man this is boring as hell ii

A/n:look at this girl calling hell as boring

Y/n:it's true tho hell is boring but instead of going to hell if they come to me I will show what real hell is

A/n:yeah stop scaring me or else

Y/n:or else

A/n:or else I will remove you from my story

Y/n:you dumb author your story won't work without me I am the main lead

A/n:remember me again why did I choose this girl to be in my story

Y/n:cause your dumb


Y/n:whatever I am skipping this class

A/n:wait I will show you what I can do

Teacher:miss y/n:are you listening to me if not then get out of my class

Y/n stood up and started walking

Teacher:y/n where are you going

Y/n:you only said that if you are not listening you can go out so I am going out

Everyone burst into laughter


Teacher:out of my class

Y/n:I was also doing the same geez then why you had to stop me

Again everyone burst into laughter


Teache:and you out of my class and detention after school

Y/n:whatever I am going

She said and went outside the class

A/n:did I just helped her to escape from class


A/n:oh God why did I introduced the teacher in this episode

Teacher:you shut up atleast I got a role in the story

A/n:yeah don't shout at me you know I can remove you immediately

Teacher:and did you forgot that I am your teacher

A/n:so what

Teacher:shall I call your oppa

A/n:sorry ma'am i-

Teacher:detention after school

A/n:but I didn't do anything

Teacher:for not giving me more screentime

A/n:but you can't give me detention just for that

Teacher:oh trust me I am your teacher so I can

A/n:this is cheating

Teacher:shall I call your parents

A/n: huh no I am going

A/n:why again I make these type of people to act in my stories(sigh)

Saying that a/n went out

Right now I am walking to my private room yeah we have a private room and went in and saw nobody thank God that class was really boring but I still got detention. I sat on the couch and started playing on my phone until I got a message


???:we got information about him/her

Y/n:what did you get

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