Chapter one: Frist day

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"Blue" i heard my name being for the hundredth this morning but i just ignored it and want back to sleep. But the next second i heard my door being open and my brother came to view. "Blue, wake up, please its getting late" He said softly. "Leave me alone, John. Cant i sleep for five minute?" I groaned. "Its the first day of junior year and your already late!" He screamed. Uh oh! John is going to kill me!  I scramble out of bed and went running to the bathroom. "You have got twenty minutes" John said after me. "I just need 10 minutes" i retorted back. I heard my door being closed and i rushed to get my things done. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and did my business. For my outfit i choose a simple shirt and a pair of jeans.

 For my outfit i choose a simple shirt and a pair of jeans

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I got out of my room and saw my brother waiting for me. "You took fifteen minutes" he said impatient leaking in his voice . I just ignored him and walked out of the front door.

The drive wasn't long, tho that must the result when your brother is driving a hundred miles an hour. "John slow down or i gonna throw up all over your car!" I said as i started getting dizzy. "We're here." John said. I looked out the windows to see my own hell starting right back at me. I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and looked back at John. He looked at me and said "Well kid, have a great first day. Knock them dead! And dont get to trouble." He warned. "Bye, john"i said sarcasm clear in my voice. He smiled and waved as i got my school bag and got out of the car.
Ugh,i already hated the day.

As i got into my first class which was english i chose to go to the farthest seat in the room. I was relived i wasn't late to school or i would have ended up in detention on the first day, god i hated when that happened. Soon kids started filling in the classroom and taking there seats and pretty soon the teacher walked in and i started taking notes.

Half way in to the lesson the door busted open  and all of our head snapped to the door, and as if my day couldn't get any worse i saw what i have been dreading form the monument  i walked in to the school.
Aaron. Ugh, i hated his guts. And i had wished he had changed schools  and won't be here this year, well now i had to see his stupid face for a whole year again. As if he could read my mind he turned his head towards me and he started  grinning  like the idiot that he is. I just rolled my eyes and started looking back at my scrambled up notes.
"Mr Kings! Your late for your first day of school, already causing trouble i see." The teacher said annoyance evident in his voice. "I had an emergency, here's my note"Aaron said as he handed him his note. The teacher saw the note through his thick glasses and nodded to Aaron to have a seat. I had hoped he would get in to detention. But as luck will have  it the only available seat was next to mine.

As Aaron took his seat the teacher resumed the lesson. He sat next to me and pulled out his note book and started writing on it. Just as i thought this wouldn't be so bad i was proven wrong.  He leaned back on his chair and started starring at me for about ten minutes. This was getting really irritating. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked turning my head to glare at him. "I didn't know your eyes were blue, doll." he said in the most serious tone i have heard him speak . "Actually my eye are gray/blue. And here i thought you weren't that stupid" i scoffed. "Your still hate me don't you? Im hurt." He said mockingly. "Just shut up and pay  attention." I retorted. He zipped his mouth and threw the imaginary key away. Ugh, finally silence.

The rest of the day went back smoothly though i saw Aaron in most of my classes, thankfully he didn't sit next to me again as if he knew if he did i would break his nake.  School lunch was terrible as always. I sat with my friend Stella, she was the only person i tolerated in this school.

John texted  and said he coming to pick me up from school, and thank god cause i did not like to walk at all tho John did buy me a car for my sixteenth birthday.

As soon as me and John got home i tolled him all about Aaron and our 'encounter'. As expected he tolled me to stay away from him and to just focus on school. But how can i focus when he's there!? I just nodded and went to bed since i was tiered.

There is always the next day, right?
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882 words.

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