Chapter 3: Secret crush

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The past three days have been a pain in the ass. Trying to find Blue's and John's father was nearly impossible.
The day we found out he was coming and when Blue passed out in my car, i had carried her in to her house and gave John the note that Blue got. We talked for a few hours about joining forces and taking there father down. Whom i learned his name is Edward Huston. I still remember John's words as we discussed our plan until Blue woke up and i had to go back to my house.

"What happened?" John asks as i carry Blue inside the house sounding pained. "She passed out." I reply sounding just as pained looking at her still wet cheeks. "Yeah, i can see that smartass. I meant what made her pass out?" "She um she got this note....from your dad." I said handing him the note and placing her on the sofa thay had in the living room. "She got a note?F...from our dad?"he asks sounding unsure about what he's hearing. "Yes". I said turning to face him. His eyes suddenly went dark as he started reading the note and glancing at me when he finished it. "When and where?"he asks sternly. "Forty minutes ago,in her locker."i answer looking straight in to his eyes. He let out a sigh and drops down on the couch nearby holding his head in his palms mentioning for me to sit down. I sat down carefully and we stayed like that for about fifteen minutes until he brooke the silence shocking me.

"Thank you, for bringing her here safe really."he says softly. "No problem, she needed help and i just happened to be there. Right time, right place."i shrugged. "I'm still thankful you were there to help instead of some creep looking for an easy target." I tense at the mare thought of some stranger taking advantage of her like that. I quickly shook that thought out of my head noticing how my fists were balled up turning and how thay were turning white. "And i also got a note like that, i think it's from you father too."i said remembering the note that i had just found not too long ago. "What did it say?"he asked looking up at me. "It said some stuff about you and your sister. And that you can't keep her away from him." "So that's why Blue has been seeing you around to mach these days?"he says looking as if he was remembering something. "She has been talking about me?"i ask sounding desperate. "Don't get any ideas kid."he smiled as though he can read my mind.

"You have been keeping her safe always staying around her, haven't you?"he sounds...i don't know, actually thankful, maybe? "I was just doing that so that our agreement still stayed intact."i say to he like it was noting. As mach as i wanted her no one can know about my feelings. And on one can know about my weaknesses. After that we talked some more about both of our gangs joining forces and taking their father down for good.
And because the note i got was put in my doorsteps this concerned not just John's family but mine as well.

We heard movie from the sofa as we were finishing up on discussing about our plan. "What happened? How did i get home? And why does my voice sound so bad?"she crooked her voice small. "I'll go get you a glass of water."John said getting up from his seat. "Hey, how are you feeling?"i ask walking up to her and sitting beside her. "Well my head hurts, and did i just pass out?"looking up at the ceiling she seems to search for something in her head. "Yeah you passed out as soon as you got in my car."i said tacking a strand of hair that was falling in her face behind her ear. "Oh uh yeah, i noticed you brought your car. Don't you always drive your motorcycle around?"she asks sitting up seeming curious. "Well, maybe i had a gut feeling i might need it today."i shrugged knowing damn well it was to keep her safe if the note was actually talking about her.

"Here drink this it will help."John said bringing her a glass of water. "Thanks" taking it to her lips she started to drink the water like her life depended on it. "I have got to go home my dad must be worried."i said getting up from beside her and grabbing me stuff trying to get out of there. "I'll walk you out"John said following me to their front door. "Good night, Aaron."i heard Blue calling out from her seat. God i love the way she says my name.

"Well Aaron, have a nice night and don't forget what we talked about"he said leading me to the front door his voice stern. "I will see you tomorrow, John. Have a nice night. And get some security to look after you and Blue." I warn him "I have already called a couple of my men, we will be fine Aaron, thank you again." I nodded. He closed the door behind me and i went to my car.
End of flashback.....

Going back to my house i could still feel how my anger was consuming my head, my body, and my soul if i had one. Knowing Edward could get to them at any second was really taking a toll on me. I started griping the steering wheel turning my knuckles white.

I won't let him take away what is mine.
I won't let him take away her from me.
I will do anything i can to prevent that no matter what i do, no matter who i kill to keep her safe....

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