Chapter Two: Panic

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I walked through the hall of the school trying to find my locker and i kept felling as though I'm being watched. I have felt like that for the past few days sense school started. I just choose to ignore it and continued my search for my locker.
When i finally got to my locker and i started to take out my books and notebooks a white small cranked up envelope fell to my hands. Observing it closely i tried to open it to see what was inside and i don't know why but i had this felling that i shouldn't be reading it in front of all the other students walking up and down the halls where anyone can see. So i just shoved it back to my locker and made a mental note to read it later when school ends and there aren't any high school kids lurking around.

Soon lunch break was coming up and me and Stella got our food and as we were walking to our usual seat my appetite suddenly went out the window as i saw Aaron sitting there with  both his friends like they owned the place. Stella and i glanced at each other her face mirroring my confusion. He rules the school but not my lunch table.
"Hi,Aaron. I didn't know you were gonna sit with us at lunch today."Stella said with a friendly smile on her face as we neared the table. She had known him since kindergarten and i have only known him since seventh grade, which explains why  she doesn't hate him like i do. I've always told her that i hated him but she never seems to understand me on that topic. 'Ooh, but he's so nice you just dont know him like i do.' She always says that. Trust me i do know him.
"Yeah, well some freshman got ours so-" " So you had the wander full idea to take ours?"i said sarcasm leaking past my voice. Aaron smirked looking at me for the first time since we got here. "Ooh dont tell me you dont like seeing my face, doll."  Ugh! "God, your full of your self" i said as Stella took a sit next to one of his friends and i took one opposite Aaron.
The next ten and a half minutes were filled with an unbearable and awkward silent as the five of us sat there. Well except for the on and of conversation between Stella and Aaron's friends she was sitting next to. Finally the bell rang and i hardly got my staff and my lunch tray still filled with food i haven't eaten yet. Dumping my tray in the trashcan i started to walk out of the cafeteria as i felt hands gently tugging on my wrist. Aaron's hands. Quickly taking my hand away i turn to glare at him giving him my most "'i hate you' look. "Well someone looks angry." he said that stupid smirk back on his face. "What do you want? And by that i mean why are you talking to me?"i asked irritated. "Here"he said handing me a candy bar. I shot him a confused look taking it in my hand and inspecting it closely. "I noticed you haven't had anything to eat so eat the goddamn candy."he sighs. "Um, thanks?"i said taken back. He just looked at me and i thought i saw the tiniest smile on his lips as i accepted it. I felt the corners of my lips go up as i looked at the name of the candy. Snickers, one of my favorites. But wait, how did he know that? As i looked up at him to ask about it he was nowhere in the cafeteria. What just happened? I thought as i munched on the candy. "Hey, we have to get to class before we get in trouble, come on." Stella's voice suddenly brings me back to reality. "Yeah, we should go"i said mouth full of chocolate. "Didn't anyone tell you to chew with your mouth closed?"she asked disgusted. I waved my hand as i was already taking of heeding to class.

It was the end of school and me and Stella were studding in the library for two hours for an up coming exam we had. We finally decided to go home as it was getting late. Heading to my locker to get my things we heard Stella's phone going off. "Oh shit, i forgot i have to get my little sister from her school. She is going to actually murder me if i don't get there in three minutes!"she said eyes wide, panicked. "Stella, you should go she must be really angry."i said trying to usher her to go as i suddenly remembered the envelope in my locker. "Are you sure but i wanted to walk home together?"she asked sounding guilty. "Yes yes, now go before its to late and your dead on the side of the rode,plus i will call John." I assured her and she took of running. I was actually worried she might end up dead on the side of the rode, and plus her sister was known to have anger issues. I smiled at my best friend watching her retrieving figure.

It was eerily silent as i headed to my locker my feet getting faster as if thay had a mind of there own.
As i finally reached it, i got my things my bag and the envelope. I held my bag on my shoulders as i struggled to open the note, it being cranked up and taped so much i needed my pocket knife i had in my jacket to open it.
It finally opened and a tiny note came out.
I nervously unfolded the paper suddenly felling scared on what i would find inside.And what i read inside left my mouth hanging and my eyes wide.
Inside were words in bold that i dreaded the most.


Tears filled my eyes as they dropped to my face, my ears ringing, i felt like i was in a trance as i just stood there my mind telling me to call John and to get out of here as fast as i can, but my body not moving like there was a force holding me in place.

"Blue? What are you doing here this late? Trying to get a glance of my face before you go home?"a familiar voice smug pulled me back to reality. I slowly turned to face him. His smile fell down as he inspected my face full of tears. "Hey?Blue,what is it? Are you okey?" He asked sounding panicked as he rushed to me pulling me into his arms and letting me cry on him as he stroked my back in a soothing way.
" a no..note in locker..from.hi.i..him. He is coming for us." i said between sobs. "Wait what note? And who is 'he'."he asked confused. I handed him the note, my hands shaking.
He seemed to read the note as he held it in his hands. His eyes dropped to mine"I got the same note" he said. Pulling away to look at my face. "But it said to tell john 'he can't keep her away from me'."he drifted off. "I think he was talking about you" he added. "Come on, we should get you out of here." He wiped my tears cupping my wet cheeks with his warm hands. "B..but, wha..what a..about..John?" I aske him still crying. "I'll call him on the way. We have to go now, okey?"he says holding my hands in his "okey, let's go" we head to his car in the parking lot. Holding the car door for me he ushers me inside and gets to the drivers seat.
After a few minutes in the car"Blue, who is he?"he asks.
"My father. Now he's coming for me and john"i said softly as black spots  started covering my eyes and everything went black.

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1406 words.

Next chapter will be his POV.

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