Chapter 4: Nightmares

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Hi, guys if some of you might be confused on the last chapters i'm gonna do a little recap on it.

So Blue finds a note in her locker that was send from her dad who she is scared of and in the middle of her panic attack Aaron finds her and helps her.

She gives him the note he reads it and he suddenly tells her thay need to go to her home just in case he was still there. As thay were going back home Blue passed out in his car.

He carried her in and had a talk with her brother about taking their father down.

And than he left to his home. And we find out that he had a crush on Blue for a long time. And he makes a promise that he will do anything to keep her safe.

Also if their were any confusion, yes, Aaron and John are leaders of different gangs.

Please comment if their are any other confusions left. With out any farther ado les dive into the story.


"Dad, no please don't, please."Sofia begged dad as he started hitting mom. Dad suddenly turned to us he came to us and with one quick slap Sofia was on the floor holding her red face. "See this is what happens to weak and ungrateful people. Now my little rose you're not weak are you?"dad said wiping the tears on my cheeks. "No"i said. He smiled at me. Dad turned back and pulled out something from the back of his jacket. And than.....
            BANG! BANG! BANG!
"Aahh"i screamed jolting awake, my face covered in sweat and tears. I brought my legs to my chest crying harder and getting scared when the handle on my door started twisting. I sigh in relief when i saw it was just John. He had a gun loaded in his hands looking around my room to see if there were any intruders inside. When he saw there was no one there and saw my wet face, he came to my bed side and pulled me into a warm and comforting hug.

"Hey, it's okey. I'm right here. You are okey. It was just a bad dream."he says trying to make me feel better.

"It wasn't just a bad dream, John. It was a memory i can't seem to forget. Why can't i just forget about it?"my voice was laced with desperation as i looked in to John's comforting electric blue eyes.

"Shh, you are going to be okey, sweetheart. I will make sure of it. I promise."he says as he kisses my forehead and holding me tightly. "Would it make you feel better if i stayed here for the night?"his voice sounded worried.

"Yes, please."my bed was more than enough to fit both of us in. John went to the other side of the bed and started to get in the covers. Pulling me close to him"Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?"he asked looking at me softly.

I shook my head no and started pulling him closer as if we weren't close enough. He started stroking my hair in a soothing manner trying to get me to sleep.
I always remembered when we were kids and i used to get scared he would always stroke my hair gently like how he is doing now. Even after he started working in the gang. I used to always get scared when he went on missions or anything that involved blood and dying. But he always came back.

Before i knew it my eyes started getting tired and as soon as i closed them i fell into a silent dreamless sleep.

The next morning when i woke up i noticed John had already woken up. Going to the bathroom i brushed my teeth and did my business. I wore just a simple white shirt and  a pear of black jeans.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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