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Bada and Muave locked eyes through the mirror. Both were panting and slightly exhausted. Bada's lips were pursed as her hand rested on both sides of her hips while Mauve was bent down hands resting on her knees.

Their class has been going for 30 minutes now and they still have an hour left to spend. As the two stared at each other for another more second their lips started to slowly curved upwards, it didn’t took long for those small smiles to turn into beams of celebration. Bada clapped while a victorious smile spread on her flushed face now. Mauve giggled and bounced in place then waved her hands in the air showing her joy.

Mauve has successfully perfected the dance! She was on beat and danced to the song's timing. And the two can not contain the happiness in them. Mauve felt so proud of herself and so does Bada. In fact the dance teacher was so happy for her student that she unconsciously reached out and encased Mauve into a hug.

Unbeknownst to her, an equally flustered Mauve smiled more widely and fidgeted in that tight hug. Now, she can feel those butterflies flying around not just on her stomach but also on her fingers. Her fingers that tried to also reach and clutch onto Bada. Before Mauve can fully enjoy the moment though, Bada quickly pulled away and that wide grin still on her face. Mauve forgot that failed attempt and returned that warm smile.

“You did it! I’m so happy Mauve!”

Bada squealed the words while her hands held Mauve by her arms. Mauve also wanted to express her happiness, slightly wiggled off her teacher’s hold and reached for her phone in her pockets and wrote something on while Bada remained in place waiting.

Me too! I’m so happy I feel like I could dance the whole day!

Mauve showed the text while giggling. Bada read it and can’t help but beam another smile to Mauve. Subconsciously she reached her hand out and ruffle Mauve’s chestnut hair that was tied into a fishtail.

It was well kept earlier but since they were dancing for some time already, her baby hairs has already sprouted here and there and it got worse when Bada ruffled it. But Mauve didn’t mind. While Bada only thought Mauve looked much cuter, really.

Taking her student's words to heart, Bada stepped her right foot back and clapped her hands in front of her chest before saying,

“Alright! Since you’re saying you can still dance for the whole day then we’ll learn something else as well today. Okay? Game?”

Bada spoke a little slow and emphasized each syllable while the tone of her voice still sounded cheerful. It still feels a bit awkward for Bada but she shrugged the weird feeling off, its not like it’s a big deal.

Mauve understood her teacher just well and immediately agreed to what Bada said with a nod and two thumbs up. She really meant what she told Bada. In fact, Mauve feels much more encouraged and her achievement earlier only fueled her more to challenge herself.

Then their lessons continued. This time Bada is going to teach Mauve how to incorporate emotions to dance. That’s what the lesson she prepared for the day.

“We’re still going to do the same choreography. But now with more facial expressions and really connecting to the vibe of the song. Expressions will show your own unique connection to the music you’re interpreting in your dance. Most of the times emotions also helps us with hitting timing and can help in the creative process of adding texture to the dance, will we go slow or faster, Snappier or mellow?”

Bada carefully explained while Mauve read her lips. Those doe eyes never left Bada not even a second and she can’t help but feel a bit conscious under those gaze.

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