HTD# 18

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains content that may be unsuitable for some readers, such as: depression and suicide. I will be adding warning signs near the said content. Thank you.


Tonight must be the perfect night ever. 

The night sky glimmered with stars and the moon was so big and full and bright it lighted up the road they're taking to God knows where. Mauve stared outside of her window, there was no traffic and she can see the river below the bridge where they are currently passing through. 

Has it been an hour? She wondered to herself. The two of them realized earlier that their phones aren't with them so they don't actually have a device to tell them the time or even to contact the others. Sitting there in that passenger seat actually feels like a deja vu for her. When Bada and her lived together, Bada used to drive them to the dance studio where she had to teach. That time was the last day they spent together before she decided to go back home. Now, look where she is now, back at Bada's side and seeing her cool persona while driving. 

Mauve's heart can't help but flutter inside her chest as she glances back at Bada who looks like she's too focused driving. She'd lightly tap her hand to her chest when the fluttering became too much that it immediately made her smile. By now she's not sure whether she's tapping her chest to calm her heart or to remind herself to not smile so suddenly cause she would probably look like she'd lost her mind. 

But how can she stop herself, really? She doubts that anyone who has been in this position, if there are any, would feel the same way as her. Plus, her mind can't really stop from flashing the things that happened earlier. Bada and her escaping, them arriving at the venue and practicing while holding hands, and then before they went on that stage Bada motivating her by signing words of encouragement and tips. Even though she messed up some words the fact that she probably just recently learned sign language is like the biggest act of service for Mauve. Once again her heart ached with every fluttering beat and he stomach felt like its in shambles with the butterflies making a mess just by reliving those moments in her head. My God, this is too much!


Bada called out for her and obviously Mauve didn't heard a thing. When Bada looked over to Mauve the girl was hugging herself, her left arm wrapped around her stomach and her right hand rested on her chest. The first thing that came to her mind was that Mauve was probably hungry, so ones they were off the bridge she drove around to look for a fast food place to buy Mauve something to eat. Luckily, there was an open kimbap place that caught Bada's eyes. Without a warning she parked in front of the kimbap place and left the car without a word. She have to get Mauve something to eat ASAP.

The confused girl was left in the car to wait on Bada to come back. Mauve don't know what was going on with Bada at first but when she saw her enter a kimbap place, she figured Bada must be hungry. Its already past 10 after all and they haven't really eaten anything yet. 

When Bada came back after 20 minutes, Mauve greeted her with a shy smile and seeing that smile made Bada stop. She just realized she didn't asked Mauve what she'd like to eat. Now she just feels dumb but then that feeling stepped back after she saw how Mauve lit up once she saw the food containers wrapped in a plastic bag on Bada's hand. She awkwardly lift's her hand that was holding the bag to show it properly to Mauve.

"I got us some food."

She said as if it isn't obvious yet that she got them food. Mauve reached out to Bada to help her with the food. She did passed the food to Mauve and the girl was looking for the perfect space to put it. They continued driving to look for a perfect spot where they could eat.

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