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Note: Please forgive any typographic error up ahead! I'm writing this on my lagging phone that's why.


A few blocks away from the Jung Residence, the local events hall is being decorated with balloons and a tarpaulin similar to the flyer being spread across the city for the competition being held today. The coordinators and organizers run round and about the events hall as they set up the technical booth, the decorations, the stereos and other things needed for the event.

Some things had to be hanged, taped on the wall or a complete wall had to be installed, the stereo and mixer was being perfectly checked so no technical issues would occur during the event. Everyone were on their toes as this competition was the first ever to be held by their community and it had to be perfect.

A loud alarm resounded in a cozy but empty room. Its loud ringing was being masked away by the repetitive music being played through a grand piano while a ballerina danced her routine with a pain in her heart and an equally painful ringing in her ears.

Hopefully, she can escape. Mauve prayed in her mind.

Mauve has been making sure to not raise any suspicion from Helene about her planned escape later this evening an hour before the actual start of the competition. All her efforts appears to be wasted to none now as it seems like Helene has a plan of her own too by exhausting the life out of her.

Her grandmother had her woken up at 4AM for ballet lessons as always. She thought there would be no practices today as she has been thrown to her room to ground her.

At the first part of being grounded and locked in her room she was really mad and disheartened, but then realized that she had more chances to escape by then as she was grounded.

Her chances are now down to a couple percent though with how Helene is trying to keep her in the dance studio dancing to her goddamn routines. Thankfully she let Mauve have breakfast today to help fuel her up.

"Again! One more time!"

Helene instructed over the loud piano being played by her butler. Her words are as repetitive as all of the routines that she has tirelessly told Mauve to perform.

Mauve was already breathless by the end of what Helene's considers as warm up routine for Mauve. Let's be real though, no warm up lasts for 3 long hours! She feels like she had already performed a thousand fouette's just for this morning.

After a short break, literally just 15 minutes, they went on and proceeded with their afternoon session of lessons. Mauve cursed how the time seems to be slowing down during the lessons. She'd glare at the clock above the piano. If that clock had a face it would have a mocking look at it by now.

By the time their lessons ended Mauve was feeling like she had been beaten all day. Her legs were numb and she could barely walk. In entirety, Mauve feels so worn out to the point that she where she feels like her body isn't even cooperating to move anymore despite her will to get up and leave the dance studio.

This physical exhaustion can't stop her from her plan though and that is to escape so she can join the competition which is set to start an hour from now. Its already 6PM and the event will start at 7PM so she has to move quickly.

With a shaky leg, Mauve tried to quickly make her way to the bathroom to wash off all the sticky sweat off of her body. Once she finished her warm bath, she felt slightly relieved and she started to feel like she has control of her body again. She's got no time to lose just to recover though because when she looked at her pink wall clock hanging on her bed room wall it tells that she only have 40 minutes left to prepare and reach the event hall.

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