HTD# 22

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The beach trip was one successful getaway in so many ways. Monday in Just Jerk Academy has never been so lively and productive, even the students could feel the elated spirits of their teacher and they have an idea of why they are like that. Their getaway has been the talk of the students' group chat when they saw their teacher's posts. A lot of them found the trip adorable but there was one girl in those photos that's has been the consistent subject of the buzz.

Bada and the others are not really aware of their students' fascination on their trip and just went on with their day.

"So the recital set list is already complete. Its a month away you guys."

Seowon preceded with the meeting and Howl is just beside him to hand him the details.

"I suppose we all have our priorities straight now? Concepts and choreographies?"

Bada felt how the question seems to be particularly directed to her. She looks at them and they sure are looking back at her too. This made her scoff in disbelief at her co-instructors/friends with how they are doubting her right now, but she can't really blame them since she's been in a slump when coming up with the concept for the recital.

"Trust me I have it figured out already."

Which she actually does, she could still even remember the moment that the concept occurred to her. It was after the trip, she already brought Mauve back home the air between them was something else this time and it was not uncomfortable but it was not particularly a comforting one either it was something in between like this feeling of reaching out for something but has this feeling of stopping yourself in the middle for fear of messing it up. 

She admits it now, her fondness is something more than friendship or sisterhood it was something romantic but in which side of the romance spectrum? A crush? Infatuation? Like? or...  Love? That's the part she's still figuring out. What she knew at that moment while she laid in her bed thinking about Mauve is how should she tell Mauve about it. She wants to tell Mauve about it, yes, she thinks its a beautiful feeling that she would want to share with Mauve despite what level of affection this is, she knows its going deeper.

Bada actually believes in 'if you like them, tell them before it's too late' because there are surprising things that come in our way everyday that makes nothing permanent, even feelings aren't permanent. So before something as beautiful as this disappears why not share it, right? 

Yet, no matter how cool Bada might be to anyone looking she's also still this scared girl afraid of consequences. Because what if Mauve does not like her the same way? Girls can of course just have a huge crush on people they look up to so what if it's like that with Mauve? What will happen if she confess? She's afraid she'll lose the girl, the friendship they forged falling apart is the most heartbreaking thing that'll happen here. So how would she do it? She realized why not show instead of tell. Yes, Mauve will be the inspiration of the performance she's crafting for her students. 

Telling the story of a dancer who can't hear the music and conquering her disability to pursue her dream. A concept that tells her story but at the same time a dance that shows how much Mauve made her love dancing even more, and hopefully this will show Mauve what she feels for her. Well that's a completely different, or maybe not so different, problem in itself.

For now she did her research on how she could do it, she even received help from one of her top students who acts like the leader of the group. They already outlined everything, they picked out the song, draw inspiration from a couple of interpretative dance and combining it with Bada's dance style. She's crafting a choreography that's out of her box, something she'd never done before and its a challenge for her and even more to her students. She's basically hitting two birds with one stone here, all that's left to do is finalizing the entire choreography with the entire group and making adjustments to it here and there.

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