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Spoiler S2 ep9 I just little change this

At The Ada
"Kenji Kyouka Haruka do you want to play desk games" Kunikida ask

"I want to play too Kunikida" Ranpo say

"Fine everyone can play"-K

"What game w- Kyouka want to ask but someone open the door of the Ada

"How can I help you" Kunikida turned around and saw port mafia members one with red hair second whit back third whit blond

"We need help someone kidnapped few of our members by the guild" the one whit red hair say

"I believe it is a trap" Kunikida say

"They are telling the truth"Ranpo say whit his glasses on and smile (he knows)

"We must Inform the Prezident"

Fukuzawa walk in
"I already know about this I got call from mister Mori"

Creating a plan
Also Gin Tachihara Higuchi are still here

"So Q Elis and the new member been kidnapped do someone have idea where they are" Kunikida ask

"The new member he ever meet the guild" Junichiro ask

"We need information about the new member"

"The new member is already an Executive nobody knows why its just year when they joined the Port Mafia nobody knows about thems ability only miss Kouyou and the Boss of course when Chuuya found them they were covered in blood whit huge scar's and some old scars but I thing it's self-harm scar's on thems arms and they also cover thems right eye agein nobody knows why but they are very friendly and helpful sometimes they are angry bc they have angry issue.And I think they don't have any bounty on them so idk why the guild kidnapped them" Tachihara say

"So it's mysterious person" Kanji ask


"I get it now" Ranpo say

"Do you know we're they are" Yosano ask

"So listen they are in were house at forest there is around 100 soliders and two ability users so we don't stood a chance so the Agency and Port Mafia must use the strongest duo in Yokohama The Double Black"

Time skip
Dazai pov
I was walking at the location Ranpo send me.
Few seconds later
Chuuya stands new to me like old times

When he stood next too me I feel like my whole body was frozen after the years he was next to me again.

After me and Chuuya kill all the soldiers we walk to the building

"Yo Dazai did you hear about Petrus"

"The expensive wine"

"Yes I opened 89 bottls of celebration you left the Port Mafia"

"Oh how lovely"

We walk to down to the stairs

"I like you're taste in shoes"

"You do" he look at his shoes

"Just kidding"

"You make me sick"

"So sick in love you meant"

"Shut up you bastard"
I look at Chuuya whit little blush on his face

"Oo~ it's little Chuu Chuu blushing"

"I am gonna kick your ass asshole'


We both look at three children tried up in rope and tape on them mouth the two were a sleep but the older was awake

"Are you okay Mika" Chuuya talk to the child

"Hm" i take of the tape carefully of thems mouth

"The two ability users are still there" Mika say

"Did they hurt one of you or Elis whit Q" Chuuya ask

"Q whit Elise are drugged so whit sleeping pills and the broke my legs so I can't walk" took Chibi's knife I took away from him and cut off the rope

"How we gonna took them all" Chuuya ask

"I am gonna carry Elis and the doll"

"But what about Mika"

"It's okay guys I can fix my legs whit my ability and some metal or iron"

"Wait is you're ability dangerous for you or hurting you" Chuuya ask

"No just half it's alright but other half is bad but I can use the good so it's not gonna hurt me"I wonder what's them ability

"But promise me you won't be freak out what is my ability"

"No you not gonna use you're ability if you don't want I gonna carry you on my back okay"I say

"Wait your the kid I was spying on whit Mori and Elis"

"SO THATS WAS YOU ... but also I was spying on you too so"

"You were spying on the Boss Dazai"
Chuuya look at me in the eyes
"I don't mean to interrupt you love birds but the two ability users are still up"

"Mika Iam gonna fix your legs whit my ability just scream when it hurt okay"Chuuya look at Mika I look at them too and ask if they want hold my hand

They took my hand and Chuuya active his ability

They are trying to not scream honestly I think they're gonna break my second hand.when it's done they were still sitting on ground

"Do you want pain-killers pills"I ask

"No thank you I already have them whit me"
they take the pill out of them pocket and eat it
Also Chuuya use some metal to support Mika's legs

Chuuya took Q on his back I took Elis and the Doll in my hand and Mika on my back when we walk up the stairs

Is my record 874 words I am tired so I am gonna go to sleep I hope you enjoy it also Chuuya and Dazai meet already so it's gonna be fun

Also Hi my name is Threy I am using They/Them pronauns

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