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Same pov

Chuuya looks at Mika on the ceiling and blood drops from their hand.

Mika slowly turn to Chuuya

Chuuya look at Mika who is still on ceiling with blue light aroun them but Chuuya realised Mika wasn't wearing any bandages even not ont the eye the eyes were incredible all the time Chuuya think they have blue eyes but no.

They have one ocean blue eye and the other is dark brown like chocolate.

Chuuya snap from his trance and see Mika's hand with opens old scars there is around 13 razor scars and other scars

"Mika go down of the ceiling"
Chuuya say calmly
"No you gonna be mad at me"

"I promise I won't be mad"
Mika un active thems ability to land on the floor.
Chuuya sat in front of them

"Do you want treat the scars"
Mika nod and go to thems drower where is bandages and foto of them and thems friends.

Chuuya wrap the bandages round thems hands he realised them remains him of Dazai the dark brown eye the shity hair cut scars bandages

They are sixteen
Dazai was sitting in his container with opens scars that Mori made

"Dazai are you okay"
Chuuya ask look at dazai who was sitting at floor facing his back (dazai's) Chuuya walk close to Dazai. He hear few sobs.
Dazai was crying
"Dazai can you look at me"
Dazai turn around and place his hands on his lap
"I am sorry Chuuya it's all my fault sorry I'm so sorry" he said while crying
Chuuya walk towards Dazai he take his hands and wrap bandages around them "shh don't cry and tell me what's wrong" he calm little

"Mori tell me that you never gonna love me and you hate me"
Chuuya hug Dazai with two inches between thems lips "don't thrust that guy ok he saying the opposite I feel okay".

"Really so you don't hate me"

"No I never hated you because I love you Dazai" after those words Chuuya crush his lips on Dazai's.

I want aggressive kiss or lust fully
I was passionate kiss with full of love

Dazai broke the kiss  they both look into the others eyes

"I love you too Chuuya" and give little peck on Chuuya's cheek

"S-so that's mean w-e are boyfriends" Chuuya said with red cheeks

"Ou~ it's little Chuuya embarrassing  about asking me if we are boyfriends"
Dazai get closer to Chuuya again

"The one is talking now you were acting like good damn bottom" Chuuya get closer to dazai too

"Ooo~ you think I'm a bottom"
He got closer

"Wana make a bet"


They lose the gap between them this was hoted kiss

End of flashback

"Dad are you okay"
"Dad did you hear me"
Mika talk to me

"Sorry I space out sorry"

"Dad can you tell me what's wrong"

"Me and Dazai have argued he was yelling at me that I am not a human"

"Dad for me it doesn't matter if you are human or not I love you bc you are my Dad and you too nice to me after all you don't know where I came from what's my past and who I am"

"Ok what if we play game named no more secrets"

"Okay can we play now"

"No go take shower I gonna cook dinner and after that we sat on couch at play the game"

Mika hug me and put thems head on my chest
"You are the best dad"
I ruffle thems hair
"Now promise me to not ever self harm or something suicidel"

"But dad I wan do suidicide with people I love"

"No you too young to be suidicidel"
Both of them get up Chuuya go cooking and Mika go to shower

"Did the drugs work"

"Yes Miss they work they got into fight"

"Well done"

"So can I got my money"

"You really think you get the money"

I hope you like it also the man died after those words


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