Chapter 3 A Message of an Inner Voice

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I became Homely to my Room Owner and Nova. Then Nova said She can be my Helper, so I said, "Yes, Of Course, Thank you." Tough Luck, isn't it? What would I believe? Me, being Distressful got Lessened. After that, I'm Already fed. Ugh, my stomach is Full.   

After helping them picking up dishes, me and Nova left to Teach her some computing, How to Align all the Lists, and she's Easily Learned, Nice. Time to Rest. 


I then lay in bed, and I saw her Presence again. The Short Haired girl, Who is she?.......... The Flute,.......... that she Always play. "I know why you're here, N**," says the girl. Here? This place, are so Peaceful, Lovely. "I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer," like she's Reading my Mind. Wait, she's a Mind Reader? What is She? "Your looking for Him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing," is she telling me Something? Who was I looking for? "And when he found me, he told me, I wasn;t really looking for him. I was looking for an answer," wait, is she Telling Tales? This Dream seems Real, but Different.  "It's the question that drives us, N**, Does she know my Diff'culties? How does she know All of That? "It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did," She told me. Oh, Wait!! Yes, Of Course!! Ask Questions!! "Wait, what is the Matrix?" "The answer is out there, N**, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to," She told me again. And I began to wake up, Adopting All of my Dreams that Looked like real. The Place, her Flute, It's Triangular. And she Called me Something, what's That name? Who's she again? --Wait, Matrix? Why do I ask for? Funny. Now This would be Your Issue, if you've gotten Extremely Tired, That would be the Result. Then, I noticed, Nova is Staring at me, Caressing me. It happened that my eyes Directed into Hers, she began wrinkling her eyes. But in my Surprise, I just saw Two Eyelids! "What happened to your Eyes!" "What happened to my What?" She became uncertain to me. That's when I Rise up, "your Eyes! You have Two Eyelids?" She began to laugh, "Oh, Tom. I notice you're Seriously Exhausted, you need to rest." Okay but, Stay here 'till Tomorrow," seems that I Don't want to go to sleep feeling like That. So she'd Done what I just ask her.  


Searching for Salary again, back to business. Someone called again, and it was Choi, "Hey, Tommy boy, there would be an Art Gallery. And Starlight says it's an Art Club Program inside Museum with her Team to Assist. Can you help us?" "Yeah okay, I'll go there and see how I can help," now That's my Opportune Moment. Now that I'm  Getting there by cycling, I've just bring my notes and pen for the things I need. Before I'll send my files to my Boss.  

We have gathered there, and communicate for Suggestions, Request, and some ideas. 'Till I told them I can do a Robotic Light Drones for lights, and that would be a Great Performance for the Gallery Program. For whoever would Be there, it would be Awesome. Now I'm thinking for Light chemicals, Good thing there's Starlight for another Assistant. Other than me, of course. So we're Brainstorming again into another ideas. 

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