Chapter 5 A Peculiar Sign

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When I became aware of what I saw, "Oh, White Rabbit!" I just remembered the message, 'Follow the White Rabbit.' That was It, with a Star in it's bottom. So I turn about, to leave them and they're just puzzled, "wait, where are you going?" But when I was about to walk trough into two young females, the girl with a tattoo was gone. And she's the only one there, staring at the Painting Potrait. "Oh, hi, Neo," she noticed me, and she Knows something. "Wait, how do you know that name?" "I know a lot about you," she said. "Wait, do I know you?" I kinda surprise. "My name is Trinity," she raised up her palm for handshake, then smirk a lovely smile. Wait, Trinity, "The Trinity? --who cracked the IRS-D base?" I found ya'. "Ahem, that was a long time ago," she told me. "Oh, God," then I gave a tiny chuckle. "What?" and then, that 'Meh' face. "I just thought, uhm....,"oh, that reaction, I just knew her. "--That you were a guy." "Well, most guys do," and that side eye. "It was you in my laptop," she's one of a kind, I noticed. "How did you do that?" "Right now, all I can tell you... is that you're in danger," she said.  


"I brought you here to warn you," she told me. Then, the music played by choi and the others kicked off, and it was 'No Distance left to Run by Blur.'  


"Of what?" I continued. "They're watching you, Neo," now, she's whispering to me in a polite way. "Who is?" Who-what now? "Please just listen here," then she said to me modestly, "The Triumph of Death by Pietel Bruegel The Older in 1562. The underlying message was that mortality is inevitable, the triumph de la mort theme depicts death as an instrument of chaos and destruction. This magnificent fresco features a bow-wielding skeleton riding a skeletal horse and shooting arrows at villagers going about their daily routines."  


Then she said, "I know why you're here, Neo. The answer is up there, it's looking for you and it will find you if you want it to." 


That night, my mind is a little dizzy so, I didn't finished my job correctly, and that's it. 

Still, I'm muddled that's why I cannot focus. "You have a problem in authority Mr. Anderson, you believe that you're special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously, you are mistaken." "You should know, that every single employee understands that they are part of a whole thus if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem," yep, he's angry. "The time has come to make a choice Mr. Anderson, either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job. Do I make myself clear?" Totally screwed up. "Yes, Mr. Rhineheart," I know, that was my mistake.  


Early morning, I thought of buying some whiskey for my Boss just to win his approval. And I found some building where there's a Wine Shop store that so neat, co'z I'm the only one there. 

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