Before she left, Ryan made sure they swapped phone numbers just in case.

She knew what this was.

And she didn't see it coming.

As soon as she got in the car with Ashley, she knew to shut up. Ashley was gonna go on her rant about how she was right, and how Claire now owed her a drink.

"Not a date huh? Not crushing huh? Then explain to me why I'm picking you up at his house and not at the restaurant," she asked, looking at her best friend as they stopped at a stop light.

"His kid was sick. I have no car. What was he supposed to do? Leave me at the restaurant?" Claire asked, knowing she wasn't going to get away from the conversation.

"How many times did you tell him that I would come and get you, AT the restaurant?"

"Ash. Please," Claire whined, leaning back in the car seat and silently wishing she had her own car. She knew Ashley would do this.

"I'm just saying! He's good-looking, he's got a good job, the man is probably ripped,"


"What? I can look but I won't touch!" She giggled, pulling into the driveway of their small house.

"Yeah. I'm not touching either. He's just. Being. Friendly. Get that through your thick skull,"

"Mmmkaayyyy but when I'm your maid of honor, I'll be sure to mention this in my speech,"

"I'm gonna slap you!" Claire laughed, grabbing a pillow off the couch before smacking Ashley with it.

"I didn't think you were serious!" Ashley squeaked as she caught herself and fell onto the couch.

"Well. Now you know," she shrugged, kicking her heels off and also flopping onto the couch.

"So his kid was sick huh?"

"Yes. And it was an actual fever so no that's not a cover,"

"Okay. I'll believe that since kids get sick very often. Little germ-infested creatures," She chuckled a little.

"But she's cute. She's one of my good ones," Claire smiled a little.

"Do you know what happened with her mom?" Ashely asked, turning on the couch to give Claire more attention.

"No, and that's something I'm not going to ask about. If he wants to tell me, he will," She shrugged.

"Valid point,"

Claire smiled a little and the 2 of them seemed to separate for the night, going to bed before the chaos of the next day.

Sleeping was hard and Claire couldn't figure out why. Did she start feeling something for Ryan or was she just happy to have someone in her corner besides Ashley? He was the first one to help her out when she needed it and there was just something about him.


The last number she remembered seeing on her phone was 4:17 AM after hours of tossing and turning. She about chucked her phone across the room when the alarm went off but thought better of it. She already had to buy a new car, she didn't want to add a phone to that list.

She got on her Facebook and immediately saw the picture of Ryan with little Hayden against him.

No school for this sick little bug today, which means no appearance for me. Baby girl has to come first. Sorry guys.

She liked the post and debated on texting him. She had his number now, but again, thought better of it. All she could think of was it being inappropriate to message her student's father.

"Claire you up?" Ashley yawned as she knocked on her door.

"Yeah," she groaned, pushing herself to sit up and let her feet dangle on the edge of her bed for a second.

She eventually got out of bed and ready for the day, looking at her phone every chance she got. Why would he text her? She was just Hayden's teacher, she didn't have any other parents texting her, nor were they friends on social media.

"Dude we gotta go!" Ashley called only a few minutes after Claire had finished getting ready.

"Coming!" Claire yelled back, grabbing the rest of her things and rushing down the steps.

They got in the car and Ashley drove to the school while Claire scrolled through Facebook. Well. One post on Facebook.

"Are you stalking his Facebook?" Ashley asked, grabbing her phone as she stopped at a red light.

"What?! No! Give me my phone," she sighed, grabbing her phone back from her best friend, "I was looking at the comments on his post,"

"Are you gonna shoot your shot?"

"What?! No! Are you insane?!" She squeaked.

"You're being defensive," she sang, pulling into the school parking lot.

"Ash stop it," Claire sighed, closing the app on her phone and getting out of the car once she parked.

As soon as she got in her room, she set her stuff down, pulling her phone out as it vibrated.

She set her phone down after that as she got ready for her day

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She set her phone down after that as she got ready for her day. Copies needed to be made, chairs needed to be set on the floor and she needed her room set up for the kids.

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