"Go brush your teeth and get your backpack. We gotta go kid," Ryan told the 5-year-old after she'd finished her breakfast. Mornings at the Blakey house were planned on the fly and between the dog and Hayden, Ryan had his hands full. Luckily, Hayden was a good kid and a good listener.

Do you think Miss Sevey will be there today?" She asked, looking up at Ryan as she went up the steps to her own little bathroom. They usually brushed their teeth together and he would brush and put her hair in whatever messy hairstyle he could get her to sit still for before they picked her outfit out and she changed herself.

"Isn't she there every day?" He asked, brushing Hayden's hair into a somewhat neat ponytail, not completely aware that she'd been gone a few days.

"She's been gone. We have Mrs. Parkins," Hayden said with a little hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Maybe she's on a vacation kiddo,"

"I dunno," she shrugged, grabbing her bag and lunch box before they headed out the door.

With Hayden's cute outfit of a kid size 12 shirt and jean skirt, he took a picture of her before she jumped out of the truck, making sure her school was nowhere in the background.

After he'd dropped her off with the substitute teacher, he posted the picture on the private side of his page which only his known people had access to. His parents, his friends, his team, and Claire obviously.

She's cute. She knows it. And I'm in trouble.

After that was uploaded, he drove to work trying not to let his mind wander about where Claire could be. Hayden came home usually every day talking his ear off about all of the fun things they did and what she'd learned. The last few days, she'd just say her day was okay. He missed the little conversations after school too, the sub would barely even look up as kids left.

By the time he got to the Penske shop,  Claire had commented on the picture of Hayden.

➡️Claire Renee: Miss her so much 🥹❤️
       ➡️ Ryan Blaney: She misses you too

As soon as he replied to the comment, Claire's name was popping up on his phone.

She had sent him all the room info and everything before going back to sleep for a little while

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She had sent him all the room info and everything before going back to sleep for a little while. Ashley was there too to keep her company and drive her crazy. She was feeling a little bit better and starting to get some energy back but she still didn't feel completely like herself no matter how hard she tried.

Ryan picked Hayden up at 3 and they went right to the hospital, finding the room that Claire had been staying in. Ashley turned around as the knock sounded, waving them in quietly.

"She was awake and then turned on the TV and passed out. She knew you were coming," Ashley shrugged.

"We can go to the gift shop or something, give her a second to wake up," He suggested, not knowing how Claire would react to waking up with 2 new people in her room.

"Yeah that'll work, I'll get her up," Ashley nodded, shaking Claire the slightest bit.

"Leave me alone Ash," She grumbled, trying to pull the blanket over her head but tugging on the IV in the back of her hand.

"You didn't tell me that Hayden's dad was super hot," She whispered, sitting back in the chair as she picked up a magazine that was definitely months old.

"Oh my god," She groaned, "He's cute yeah, but no way or how will we ever be together,"

"He's here,"

"He is?" She asked, thinking back to their conversation and remembering that she allowed him to visit.

"Yeah, took Hayden to the gift shop. Remember how you told him it was okay to visit you?" She asked, jogging Claire's slightly foggy memory.

"I didn't think he actually would," Claire said, wide-eyed as she wasn't really sure what to think about all of this.

"You told him it was okay,"

"I realize that Ash but I'm gonna make a fool of myself, I'm sure," She whined, kinda hoping he and Hayden would just go home.

"Maybe not. Maybe it'll go somewhere," She shrugged, "You never know,"

"Oh, I know. It's not gonna go anywhere,"

"If you say so," She shrugged, getting up and heading out of her room as Ryan and Hayden were heading in.

"Hey," Claire smiled a little, hugging Hayden as she ran over to her. "I miss you kiddo,"

"She misses you too," Ryan nodded, "How you feeling?"

"Not quite like myself yet," She shrugged, waiting for the coughing fit to start at the worst time possible.

"When are you busting out of here?"

"Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday. It's been almost a week and I can't stand being here. I think I'm worse than my brother," She joked.

"You talk to him at all?"

"Ash did, he called me last night. Made sure I was alive and promised to come next time he got any furlough," She nodded, turning to Hayden, "How's your substitute teacher?"

"She's okay," The 5-year-old shrugged, climbing into Ryan's lap, "I want you to come back,"

"I will honey," She nodded, "It'll be a few weeks but I'll come back,"

"Okay," She nodded, jumping off Ryan's lap and going to the counter where the bag with a teddy bear was that she'd picked out for her teacher.

"What is this?" Claire asked, opening the bag. "You didn't have to get me this,"

"She insisted," Ryan chuckled.

They stayed for a little longer before Claire was getting tired and Hayden was getting restless. They said their goodbyes and she hugged Hayden tightly, promising to be back to school as soon as she could.

"So are you together yet,"

"Girl, I'm gonna kick you out of here if you keep it up," Claire warned, laying down for a little bit as she turned on a show to drown out Ashley's talking so she could go back to sleep.

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